Using the keyboard, it’s basically uncontrollable when on the ground.
Maybe some sort of proportional speed, where it starts slow, then speeds up if you continue to hold the key down. You know, like every other FS has done for 30+ years…
Using the keyboard, it’s basically uncontrollable when on the ground.
Maybe some sort of proportional speed, where it starts slow, then speeds up if you continue to hold the key down. You know, like every other FS has done for 30+ years…
Agree absolutely!
Use a “Xbox like” controller in slew mode.
Could we have a Slew Translate Left, Right, Forward, and Backward SLOW version, similar to the Up and Down slow options. Most of the times when I have to slew, lets say around an airport, or from one spot to another for whatever reason, its next to impossible with the normal slew options, but if there was a binding for a slow speed slew and then a faster one (like it is currently implemented for up and down) it’d be amazing. Thanks!
Up/Down Slow options currently implemented
The only option for slew translate left/right
Left and Right translate are way too fast, in particular.
One thing that helped me was to assign them to my joystick axis. Can slew left and right in 6 inch increments if need be. Might be worth trying for some.
Yeah that helps, thanks!
I remember from previous flight sims, you could bind the slew movement axises to a joystick axis, giving you more control of the slew speed. Perhaps that can be implemented again?
When using slew mode , the sim translates left,right,backward,forward too fast! Needs to slow down! Would be a big help!
You travel slower the lower you are. Faster the higher you are. Go down then it won’t move as fast in directions.
If you have a joypad, you can use that for analogue control. I think also joystick is analogue (I use Xbox controller).
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I accidentally found out the other day that the F3 key moves you up vertically slower than F4 does.
I’ve never looked to see if their is a lateral version of that though.
If you go to Controls Options / Keyboard and type SLEW in the search by Name,then you’ll get all the slew options
I bind slewing right, left, forward, back to my joystick (you could use a yoke the same way). I bind slewing yaw (turning) to my foot pedals. The movement is very slow if you push the stick or mash the pedals a tiny bit. Very slow. The further you push the controllers, the faster you will slew.
This is way more precise than having a slow and fast option for slewing. Because you can slew at any speed you desire. Far more ergonomic than using buttons or keyboard keys.