Please start beta testing updates with a userbase Beta team

I think it’s safe to say this latest update was another hot mess. Many users sims have been rendered grounded, Huge performance degradation among other issues including download loops that are eating up bandwidth galore.
The one size fits all package is not working, there are too many user configurations in computer performance and the updates you think are helping all only solve some peoples issues and then cause more issues for others. I’ve had this sim for 6 months now and have only been able to really use it a handful of times as each successive update ends up breaking my performance or my peripherals. I’m doing more workaround investigation than actual flying. Guys, enough is enough. Please start pooling user resources and open a closed or public beta and let people revert back if necessary. As of today i can’t use my Sim due to a huge performance hit… again… I don’t exactly call this a great experience.

Topic closed: Duplicate topic, please see: Add a beta version players can enable before releasing a patch