Plenty of room for improving the helicopter physics, flight model and controls

Agree on the difference between the Alouette and the Long Ranger. I have not flown the Long Ranger, but I have flown Cowan’s Jet Ranger (206B3). The Alouette’s cyclic, similar to the Lama and H125 is very precise and agile. Just a tiny nudge will instantly move the heli. So the key is to keep the cyclic still and only give tiny inputs when needed to. Going over to the Jet Ranger/Long Ranger, the 2 bladed teetering rotor system means there is a delay between cyclic input and the helicopter’s movement. So now the game changes - you will need to anticipate the movement of the helicopter and give counter/opposing cyclic before hand, which ultimately leads to the “teetering head dance” as mentioned. That is why the Alouette and Long Ranger requires 2 different techniques to fly.