PMDG 737- 800 removing GPU or chocks results in power shutdown

Dear pilots,
I downloaded a new (official I guess) checklist pdf for the PMDG 737 -800 and run into an issue.

I worked my way all throught the checklist and things are running smoothly.

Battery ON & covered
StandbyPWR Auto & Covered
Ground Power Connected and ON
APU → start, APU Gen Switches ON, APU & Engine Bleeds ON
Left Fuel Pump on, Hyd Pumps ON

The checklist tells me to Remove all Ground Connections, so I hit FMC → Menu → FS Actions → Ground Services → Remove GPU

After doing so the Boeing get disconnected from power. What can I do, in case removing the GPU is right, to make the Boeing switch from Ground Power to internal Battery Power?
By the way, in case I remove chocks, the result will be the same. The Boeing looses its power too. When I look through my checklist, the line “Remove chocks” will come next after setting the parking brakes.

Anyone can see what I am doing wrong?

Edit: When I lost the power connection, I can hit the APU Gen switches L&R and the power will be back.

Thank you for your help.

Show a screenshot of the overhead

Yea, need a screenshot just before you disconnect GPU.

But really, as long as APU is actually on and you flipped the APU generator switches then it should be fine to disconnect.

As a side note, you can still use the FMC even when there is no power, click and hold the MENU key and it will turn on so you can re-connect the GPU.

yeah, sounds like you didnt engage the APU generators (wait for it to be ready first, takes roughly 1 min- should light up) before removing the GPU.

Removing chocks will disconnect the GPU automatically, hence why you lose power.
So make sure you are on the APU gens before disconnecting the GPU and dont remove the chocks if you only are on the GPU.

To those who know:
For quick flights whatever that might be. Why even bother with the GPU? If you can do the startup and only use a tiny amount of fuel for the APU, which also provides all you need (pneumatic/bleed air+elec). To me it seems like the GPU step might be just unnecessary if you dont need refueling or additional time sitting at the gate. Im sure they dont want you sitting at the gate with the APU running for too long, but seems like just time waste hooking up the GPU.

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Allot of factors to be taken into consideration and you need to know your MIN BR Fuel (Min Break Release fuel).

  • Weight (Can you take extra fuel to run the APU extra)

  • Weather (Need a trip to the De-Ice Pad)

  • Traffic (Only fly on VATSIM, sometimes there are ground delays if there are events going on)

  • Climate (Is it really hot out or really cold, if so APU goes on earlier to get the PACS going)

I usually spend 45 minutes or so at the gate getting setup, but I do follow all the checklists with the F/O (FS2Crew First Officer for CRJ / A320 / 737)

As well, you can create a profile that already has the GPU connected. Get your GPU connected (as well as everything else parameter wise with the aircraft you want) and then save the state and set it to default.

Then when you load into the aircraft, GPU is connected, door is open, jetway is connected.

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Yesterday I worked throught the checklist again and probably made out the problem by myself.
In FMC → Menue → FS Actions → Ground Services I did always hit “Remove GPU”
The option changed like energy pit or something. Then the Boeing lost its connection to the power supply.

Yesterday I saw the option right below “Remove GPU”, labeled “Disconnect”. As I click this option the boeing won’t loose its energy connection.

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