PMDG 737 Cabin Altitude warning

I was landing at a high elevation airport (10,900 feet) and the cabin altitude warning came on. This makes sense because I presume the max cabin altitude is somewhere in the 8-9000 ft range, but my landing altitude was set to 10,900.

I have two questions:

  1. is there a way to turn off this warning/alarm? I tried pressing the master caution and warning buttons, but the alarm kept going off. Its very annoying and I ended up having to turn cockpit warnings volume to zero in the MSFS settings)
  2. is there a way to increase the max cabin altitude setting that is allowed before the alarm is triggered?

Max landing altitude is 8400. There is a 12,000 foot mod. available from Boeing. Doubt PMDG modeled this.

There’s a “ALT HORN CUTOUT” at overhead panel. At 5 o’ clock

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