PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

Have a look at this…

Brilliant , it works a treat , thank you so much
I will buy you a virtual beer :beer:

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thanks mate, you save my flight

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I wonder if that was a little hint…??

I know you guys have been absolutely overloaded this last week with new aircraft to learn and fly and all


Just remember kids… Remember to eat healthy while you recluse yourself to the outside world…Maybe have an apple first than ring your local pizza delivery…


Oh wow didn’t know the ground services AND ground power work anywhere.

I just landed in a random field (not even an airport) in midwest USA after a takeoff and a free-flight from Aspen (was testing my skills in hand flying it) and pretty much every single service was available during shutdown. Even the bus was a good sport and showed up as well lol.

Press CTR a couple of times, it’s the middle of the ND mode selector knob.

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The Flickering PFD is killing this for me. May have to hanger it until it is fixed.

Hm I can´t get enough of these awesome eyebrow windows. It was worthy getting rid of the HUD to have this awesome panorama view!

Captain on the bridge.

It was good spending over an hour learning how to program the FMC and to pre-plan flights. Almost there having the autopilot fly and land this bird… but tomorrow is ILS automatic landing system training, this is the last step missing… :smiley: (and yes it was so much more easy and intuitive than the Airbus FMC.)


Climbing out over Puget Sound, with Seattle to the north and KBFI behind. Departed KRNT to deliver N277UA to KSFO. Starting to get pretty comfortable with the aircraft and systems and it is a dream to fly. Highly recommend this aircraft to anyone sitting on the fence, but this is the most complex aircraft currently available in MSFS and it takes quite a bit of reading to get it off the ground. PMDG does not provide huge amounts of documentation, so I would highly recommend trawling the internet and finding copies of the FCOM, FCTM and QRM. I would also highly recommend watching 737NG Driver’s tutorials to learn how to fly the aircraft as well as the PMDG channel for some basic stuff about how the specifics of the PMDG implementation work. Read, watch, and search the PMDG forum. There is great information already available in the forum, so do search it if you are having issues. Most questions have already been answered (and in some cases multiple times).

BTW, there are a few gotchas with the aircraft, but solutions can usually be found over on the PMDG forum. Do understand the aircraft configuration options: default is NOT cold and dark, so anyone wanting that will need to go into the FMC options and set that. Reversers are on a separate throttle axis, so search the PMDG forum/youtube to learn how to set them up with your hardware. When doing this note that the reversers can be toggled but will not advance if the engines are not running. Ground handling can be a bit confusing (and most services require chocks to be set). Jetway connection requires ground power availability (I’m assuming this is a bug), and the default configuration already has passengers and cargo loaded, so even if you request the necessary vehicles (a bus is required to load passengers via the airstair) and put in a target, it will try to unload. Also, consider the effect of equipment choices. For example, strobing nav lights don’t currently work for me, but I suspect if I change to the LED lights that will start working.


Little Lifehack

You can easily re-design a cold and dark state for the aircraft as follows:

Load Cold & Dark panel. Press and hold the FMS menu button for ~3 seconds; this will switch it on for PMDG and Sim options menu.

This is what I did, but fiddle around it to your liking:

  • Go to your payload page and select empty.
  • Go to your fuel page and select a reasonable amount of fuel in the tank, usually about 1500-2000 kgs after the last flight, pending EASA/FAA safety requirements.
  • Select groundpower through the platform (or cart, or not)
  • Release the airstars, but either hold your forward cabin/cargo doors open. So for your next flight, all you need to do is connect the jetway, finding the aircraft pretty much how it would be waiting for you in C&D.
  • Disable NAV-lights, disable galley power.

Then back to PMDG options, save panel state, name it coldandsexy or whatever. Go back, select coldandsexy as your default panel state. Done you are. From now on, you can connect the jetway, start up with your loading and fueling and catering and all is well and swell.


Well the apple tastes good :blush:

I haven’t seen it. What livery are you flying? I’ve noticed little things on some that are a bit annoying, but not too bad to deal with. I.e. not being able to see the flaps dial on the new United livery.

I have experienced it once, NVIDIA

Key post. I’ll be doing this once my F-16C gets to Vegas.

You are correct about this. I spent a couple of hours reading through the Introduction manual this evening in a bit of detail. I would say that it answers 99.9% of the questions in this thread.

Still very much in learning mode, but having a lot of fun


Yeah, one of my A319 Captain friends calls the Airbus an “old man’s airplane.” The 737 definitely has a bit more going on by comparison. Even with VNAV (which is awesome), you have to pay attention and lower the selected altitude just before TOD. I spaced on that today and had to scramble a bit. Handy tip: if you miss the altitude-set window, just cycle the VNAV button to get it to start the descent. I love the way the airplane hand-flies. I detuned my controller curves based on somebody’s recommendation (maybe in this thread) and it is oh-so-smooth with those adjustments. Next up is to change my equipment list so I can get up to speed on auto-land approaches. And then once you think you have the hang of things, there are failures…Definitely a whole lot to learn, but boy is it fun!


You can also just press alt intervention and it should start the descent.


Hi there, Can anyone please tell me when the aircraft will be in the MarketPlace? Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA

I imagine not for a good while. But you’re unlikely to get an answer to that, as why would any of us know when? I doubt even the community mods would know that.


I found the
AutoSave Tue 185227.sav xxx etc (a lot)
in the folder:


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