Flew LOWS - LOWI Innsbruck again, night flight now,
the offset-LOC RWY 26 starts about on a mountain rim @ 8700 ft,
pilots need a special certificate to fly LOWI
Little Navmap does not do waypoint height restrictions, checked that,
steep ILS, AP disconnect to line up, snow on the runway,
flew PMDG 737 in FSX and P3D, same functionality, but with the Asobo scenery and HP Reverb VR this flies AWESOME
Spent most of my evening tonight playing with the aircraft, most of it getting familiar with the FMC and programming flights by hand from scratch. Extremely interesting once it all starts to sort of make sense. After that. I made a couple of takeoff/landing circuits for practice, and to work on muscle-memory for the controls on my yoke/throtttle, which is still new to me (Turtle Beach VelocityOne).
My last flight was a completely hands-off ILS approach and landing from about 18 miles in, down to about 50 feet when I finally killed the AP/AT and basically did nothing but the final gently flare and activated the thrust reversers.
Such a beautiful and elegant plane! It’s by far the most realistic airliner I’ve yet flown for MSFS (disclaimer: I don’t own the Maddog nor the CRJ). The complexity, systems depth and performance are amazing.
If you’re on the fence, jump. If you’re waiting for a different variant, feel comfortable that when you pull that trigger for the airframe of choice, you’ll be making a good purchase that will only be better with the tweaks and bug fixes made before then. Personally, I doubt I’ll buy the -600 even at the expected lower price of $50 (but I reserve the right to change my mind), but I do still intend to buy the -800. Conversely, I’m not interested in the -900 much at all but again might change my mind based on pricing or whatever.
Between this and the eventual 777 and 747, I think Boeing fans have a lot to be happy about in the sim.
Just noticed this today for the first time. Turning the heading dial, while parked at the gate caused the FO PFD screen to flicker as others have stated. Also switching from ground power to apu power caused the flicker. This also happened as this was my first night flight in the 737. not sure if that is a factor.
The screens should not flicker when moving the heading bug, but a flicker of all screens when switching from ground to APU power is normal in the real aircraft, and (I assume) is deliberately modeled in the sim version of the aircraft.
The reason is that you must not have AC power from two separate sources (ground vs. APU) on the same power bus at the same time. The ground power contactor has to open before the APU power contactor can close, and though the switch-over is very fast, there is a brief interruption in the AC power flow for a few milliseconds which causes the displays to flicker.
Thanks for the response, I was referring to the PFD flicker that others have shared videos on above. I understand the power flicker when transitioning between power sources.
For now I will just turn off the FO PFD screen till a fix is found and continue to enjoy flying this plane
hi guys…having a bit of trouble…
like 15 minutes after take off, i m having a beeping sound continously, and i notice that i have a red alarm saying CABIN ALTITUDE…(like a bit under the FD switch)…the cruise altitude is set on the overhead panel …like said in tutorials…checked everything, can’t get rid of that sound…very annoying…have to close flights…
do i miss something…any help…thanks
It depends on which airline your using or how you have your 737 customized. Some have it, others don’t but when you do have it enabled, on the EFIS panel where you are able to select the range and tune in the radio altimeter and so on, there is a button that says “CTR”. Click on that twice until you get that page with what you call “decent profile” but is known as the “Flight Path Vector” aka “FPV”
I don’t have the work flightplan and wx folders. I’ll create them manually and put the files there but it seemed to work from my custom community folder as well. Or maybe the flightplan loader accepts anything you throw at it even if the file does not exist