PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

Yeah the 757 is the same way with regard to the speedbrakes. You definitely need them. I can’t remember a flight where I didn’t use them, honestly. I’m just still amazed that the 737-700 in VNAV will just blatantly violate the 240/10000 even in path. That’s just bizarre to me. I’ll try again today with my fresh install. I guess the reason I’m so astounded is because I wonder what the point of having the 240/10000 limitation in the VNAV DES page is? LOL! A reminder to the pilot, I suppose? Anyways, I appreciate your help and Hiflyer737 too.

I have two questions for those who are more experienced.

Is there a way to properly program the FMC to be able to fly a missed approach in LNAV after a circle to land procedure?

Example: I’m flying the LOC 26 R approach to Innsbruck and then circling to land RWY 08. My FMC is programed for LOC 26 R, so the missed approach procedure is as well.
I suck at landings and have to go around. Do I have to hand fly the whole missed approach procedure or can I hack it somehow to aid me?

Also, I’m already hand flying and with A/T off. Hitting the TO/GA button won’t do anything because A/T is off. Do I just slam the throttles to the max, or am I supposed to manually set the indicated go around thrust?

If a declared emergency, you would have been allowed to land.

It will violate the restriction but not ignore it, right? Vaguely recall something from deep within the manuals about it accepting (for itself!) transients up to 10 kts above the limit…

Edit: Found it, during the descent phase when decelerating to the speed restriction: “VNAV will not permit descent below the airspeed restriction altitude until the airspeed is at or below the restricted value plus ten knots.”

But that does not explain the much larger speed restriction violations you were describing earlier, only suggests that it is not supposed to behave that way as far as I understand.

Yes, that page doesn’t work yet…

Both of them should come from the performance calculator software.

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Same for cargo. Did you ever get an answer to this?

That’s good to hear thanks :slight_smile:

Hey, I need help with some rudder and hydraulics issues on the 737. Just today, anytime I spawn in and either modify the FMS, set the parking brake, or use slew mode… The rudder stops working. I put it in the air and it starts working but then the flaps and gear don’t work. I’ve tried changing the tug setting but nothing, any help?

Perfect flight into JFK using autoland. I LOVE this plane!!!


Not sure as I have my way down from the zibo, But I really do think some RNAV Procedures do require VNAV is some way. Also LGMK is Mandatory 2000ft before the 3 degree glideslope, I had to push Approach, I dont remember doing that before, but it has been a while.

I had vertical guidance all the way down, I took out the AP just after this shot. It was a hard landing however.

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The default TA is 18000 because that’s used in the US. That is reflected in the sim’s ATC and also in the FMC. You can change the default value here: MENU/PMDG OPTIONS/AIRCRAFT/EQUIPMENT/page 8/DEFAULT TRANS ALT

For departure you set the TA on the PERF INIT page. For arrival -as mentioned earlier - on the DES FORECASTS page.

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Two questions:

  1. I was trying to import a route with destination as VICG and I got an error. Is the NAV database different between MSFS and PMDG?

  2. I get this error when I try to request descent winds. What am I missing?


RNAV/RNP approaches are done with LNAV/VNAV. APP button is used for ILS approaches only. BUT! The G/P and FAC FMA annunciations are associated with IAN (Integrated approach navigation) approaches - to date used only by a few airlines in Japan - and I believe those approaches are done by pushing the APP button. Not sure … never seen it in real life!


Since you will have to fly the MAP of the original approach - as you correctly said - you will have to steer manually initially. Once you managed to put yourself back on the magenta line you can start building up the automation again.

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newbie question here… what is that annoying hissing sound I keep getting when thrust is ~ over 60%? sounds like a o2 mask repeatedly going on an off ?

Regarding the A/T off … hitting TO/GA won’t advance the thrust levers but it will put the AC in TO/GA mode. You just straighten your arm and shout “set go-around trust” and the other guy will take care of it! :grinning:


Thanks very much , that fixed it a treat
Best wishes :+1:t2:

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in case of this specific approach with circle to land on opposite runway, I expect cancel approach on required point (as is published) and then all fly manually, restrictions are published. Pls keep in mind that Circle approach is strictly required under visual flight rules so you need have visual contact with terrain to do that circle. In case that you’re on final rwy08 and have some problem with f.ex. traffic on rwy, you need do go around/missed approach. In this case I’ll do all prior reach ARR procedure, define only next point after rwy (look to chart for missed approach) and add all what you need have. After establish aircraft after go around/missed app you click Direct to NAV on FMC like as shortcut and continue with your defined track to safe point to start again. Then you can set Holding over VOR and do next attempt. I don’t have now access to Navigraph so only think how I’ll solve that, all need to be prepared before ARR procedure because then you have simply full hands of procedure and don’t have time to click FMC. In LOWI you don’t have chance to do some more attempts, land or missed. eeeeeh forgot to say, fly manually missed approach in LOWI is real hazard :slight_smile: you need follow NAV or defined path, as is simply procedure defined. terrain around doesn’t allow to you more mistakes forgiven :wink:

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Are you referring to the sound of the trim wheel? Just wondering. It’s very distinctive in the 737.

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