PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

In my experience TCAS works fine with AI traffic.


That also my own experience :slight_smile:

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Next issue discovered what is also very bad,

in case I have set Parking brake and go to Menu (f.ex. to save flight) and return, Parking brakes are released. Big problem, hope they do some cooperation with Asobo for this, where exactly problem is.

Veeeery nice,

I did now quick RNAV app on LZKZ without any problem, start from airport, only local flight, set important data (in the air) as I mentioned previously and set RNP app rwy01 at ARR. Do HDG mode and ALT with V/S to IAF and all was working as expected. Veeeery nice, now I can enjoy basically to do any approach for what I was preparing and training in some previous flights.

Little bit problem what I forgot, after t/o and set AP ON, then SPD and have preset altitude to some level. After click V/S I had there 4000 ft/m set what is not same what I had set on ground as preset. Why that very big number is there if I set it 1500? Strange but now no big problem, do quick correction but looks strange.

God I love all these little details in the cockpit that seperates some sh*tty arcady simpleton-plane from a real airplane :smiley: like for example the wind direction indicator with knots and wind direction on the navigation display (left upper corner).

After modding the light ribbon (or LED ribbon or whatever this light-stripe above the autopilot panel is called) the cockpit looks so much better and cleaner :slight_smile:

This already looks awesome - I wonder how a more modern and fancy plane like the 777 will feel like while setting inside the cozy air-conditioned cockpit.

She behaves best with a joystick curve setting of sensitivity -85% and 70-80% MTOW weight…


Parking brakes releasing is something I have had too and it is very annoying. Brake pedal noise also trips it, I have had to increase my toe brake dead zone far beyond what is usually necessary to keep that from happening. I also cannot set the parking brake in the normal way by pressing down the toe brakes and pulling the parking brake lever since the parking brake releases immediately when I let go of the toe brakes.

Hopefully the parking brake logic will get a bit of rework.

@ FlyingBear01

This is only bad issue as is,

for my safe procedures I use everytime chocks, especially after parking and do APU start with extrernal Power device :slight_smile: Call for lavatory and cleaning stuff and drink some energy drink at cockpit :wink:

To me parking brakes working perfectly, I have cheap Logitech pedals with toe brakes and all is as expected. I expect that after push any of brake, Parking brake is released, this is ok to me, real pilot can confirm.

I can’t read back through all these posts, so I don’t know if this has been answered. Please feel free to link the post if it is.

I can’t seem to change the altimeter when using I have the dial set to one of the radio panel controls, but when I turn the wheel it jumps right back to the previous setting. It works in-sim or pressing “B”. I’ll troubleshoot once I land in Vegas in an hour or so, but until then if anyone had this issue and a possible fix, let me know :slight_smile:

Is there somewhere we can get your cockpit fixes?

Hope you can be kind do that Seneca’s NAV HSI heading bug color more bright as is now (green) :wink:

What’s everyone using for Simbrief OFP layout? I use the EZY layout.


oooh very good tip to next test,

I’ll do import from Navigraph .rte file, will see what will happen.

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Without problems,

I have generate flight low route selection from LZKZ to EPWA, compared, perfect. Very intuitive to load this fpl from local disk after Navigraph export. I’ll go to fly it :slight_smile:

:wink: here it is. Enjoy!


So how does the speed control work in VNAV? It seems like my plane doesn’t slow down by itself to meet the speed constraint at my next waypoint. It instead adjusts to the “tgt spd” which is 250 kts. How do I change it to instead adjust to the waypoint constraint speed so that I don’t overspeed?

When I get it it will be practically a long cross country flight from Renton to KROC (Greater Rochester) probably with a stop in Probably Bismarck North Dakota with the 700 and again with the max 8 in the future

Both APs, both course knobs the same, and both NAV frequencies the same as well. Autoland stuff.

I’m so noob with SimBrief, had no idea I could change that.
Does that make it easier to see the important Data?


Check you LEGS page before takeoff. If the speed listed for the waypoint doesn’t conform to the constraint, change it manually. The 737 is pretty “slippery” - the actual speeds flown by the plane can vary by +/- 5 knots easily, maybe more if you’re descending quickly. If you have an accurate winds forecast for the descent, the speeds will also be more accurate, however. In fact, the FMC might even throw up a “DRAG REQUIRED” message, showing you’ll have to use speedbrakes to slow.

I tend to go through the legs and manually reduce any waypoint at 10,000’ or below to 240 below anyway, just to make sure I’m not carrying too much speed into the approach as well.

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I’m using LIDO.