PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

Out of all the people in the world ,this is who PMDG hires.
And when someone shows you who they are… believe them.
I knew PMDG was not about the hype and now its starting showing.

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Well Captain R has made a small announcement welcoming the man to PMDG, with a follow up post in a “few days” to explain his new role at PMDG. R has alluded that his new role is much different to his previous job at Aerosoft.

Hope he is hired to get coffee for PMDG staff only :grimacing:


One other angle to look at here. PMDGs dodgy recruitment choice could also signify positive progress for Aerosoft.

Kok stated the following:

“I have decided to leave Aerosoft because the path taken by the directors does not seem to me to be the right one. These things happen and they are the CEOs and I am not.

What this probably means is that Aerosoft might actually be taking steps to becoming an awesome developer, hence why Kok had ‘creative’ differences with them!

Probably not though eh :wink:


Now the PMDG forums will get a little bit Kokky hm? ;D
Well as long as the tradition to sign with the real name finally ends… because that was the first thing I got told at school when the first computers with MS DOS and the 56k modem and the “real internet” (similar to the internet as we know it nowadays) showed up and really became an important thing:
One NEVER put´s his or her real name on the internet. NEVER-EVER, and nowhere.
(And of course what is signed over there in the PMDG forums this is not my real name but a small glimpse of “creative writing” *ggg)

Hi folks, just a reminder that this topic is for discussing the PMDG 737 aircraft family for PC. Not PMDG’s recruitment policies and their employees.

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This topic was automatically opened after 25 hours.

Still don’t see why you all put PMDG on a high level.

That’s an easy one. Because they make awesome aircraft addons and as far as I know there’s no better 737 for MSFS…


It will be an “awesome” aircraft when all the features they promised their customers have been delivered. Until then, it is nothing more or less than a decent product. Plenty of other MSFS aftermarket aircraft are at the same level, more than a few are higher. Being the only example of a 737 doesn’t give it a pass for quality or set the standard for the rest of the MSFS universe.

Having been a long-time lurker on the Aerosoft CRJ forums, the recent personnel changes at PMDG do not inspire confidence that those additional features specifically or “quality” are a top priority. Time will tell.


That is your opinion, not an objective statement of fact. :wink:


95% percent of the content of this forum consists of opinions. I consider my post to be factual. YMMV. Thanks for your opinion though! :grin:


Well if it’s “as far as you know”… I can’t be mad with that. And there are many more aircraft that are really good in MSFS. We all have our opinion.

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Update 3.0.71 is available.

  • Improved memory use for older PC / XBox S users
  • Improved memory use on all hardware for users who do not run in ULTRA settings.
  • Improvements to initialization sequence to reduce tendency for platform to “kick” the WASM module during initialization.
  • corrected engine spool behavior in low RPM ranges
  • adjustments to engine windmill start behavior to compensate for platform deficiency
  • further adjustments to AFDS roll mode control law
  • various back-end changes related to tablet->airplane communications in preparation for tablet release.

Might want to hold off on the update, some users are reporting pink texture problems on the exterior model. PMDG are aware of the issue and is currently investigating.


Confirm :frowning:

How long do Xbox users have to wait until pink liveries volume 1 $5 is on the marketplace?


It’s not pink liveries ….
It’s called the TRON environment update.


Well, the changelog says memory optimization. No better way to save memory than removing textures — smart :slight_smile:


All jokes aside, I believe they have identified the issue—-a corrupt decal file.