PMDG 737 Discussion (PC Version) (Part 1)

Hey, don’t ask me. I didn’t make up that release schedule. It’s Randazzo’s outfit - he can do what he wants, and justify the release schedule however he likes (which he has done so several times in the past three weeks over on the PMDG forums).

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Personally I’ve always been fond of the older 737s and think the smaller ones have more beautiful proportions. Depending on the pricing structure I would be quite keen to pick up the 600.

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Ooh, another little present from Robert on the YooToobs.

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This aircraft has so many options, looks so good, and seems to be very well modelled, I am really hoping they make the release before end of the week!!


It’s a pity there isn’t a better scenery for Shannon ( has one, but not great), so I’ll probably go from Kerry instead. Inibuilds has a nice Kerry scenery. has a few, im using the one by boblimerick, while not perfect I thinks its pretty good. Hopefully the 737 wont be delayed any more.

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An interesting video was posted to PMDG’s YouTube channel a couple hours ago, apparently by mistake. It was “unlisted” but still showed up and was playable from a Public playlist so I’m sure more than a few folks watched it.

It was DevMode video showing CFD visualizations and diagnostic info flowing by in a window on the left - showing how the sim went completely pear-shaped while landing at Flaps 40 with Autobrake set. When the event occurred, the aerodynamic data went completely crazy and lacked all connection to reality, lol. There were several different views of what was going on, including one showing that the wheel/brake forces and reactions seemed normal. It very much looked like the sim’s aerodynamics models just completely broke down with whatever was being tested. As a degreed engineer, my guess would be that the value of some variable(s) in the sim went to zero or infinity, or exceeded some ranges expected by the core sim, causing an unplanned error condition that was not trapped and handled well. Hopefully that video was intended for Asobo to help diagnose that last big bug.

Of course, within about 20 minutes, PMDG realized the video was available and it was removed/made private. Too bad - I think a lot of simmers (and engineers) would love more looks at “how the sausage is made” and see how the troubleshooting process works when stuff gets weird.


sad news guys. I’m gonna be in STL this weekend, which is theoretically the weekend they hope to get the plane out :tired_face: I think this is the one time i don’t mind another delay…

What happened to Q3 or Q4?

I hope Asobo are providing assistance given it looks like a strange interaction with the CFD modelling. I started a thread on here asking something similar but it was quickly shut down due to “PMDG being a 3rd party developer”

Was talking about the Fenix, mate.

The PMDG 737 will be on Xbox, the Fenix won’t.

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Yet another new video, that makes it three in less than 24h. PMDG 737 for MSFS 008: Display Options - Engines & Status Display - YouTube

I think it is a good sign that they have increased the frequency above the originally suggested ”every other day”. It suggests to me that they have a need to get them out quickly (before the aircraft).

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Nice, though i really would like to know some pricing. Personally i am getting rather tired/bored of the tricklefeed videos.


I’m hoping we see pricing today or tomorrow. Would really make it easier to decide what to buy and when.


I’m not overly fussed about that, personally. I like the 737. It’s not that I don’t like the Airbus, I just find it a bit boring.

I don’t think we’ll see it this week.

The base sim doesn’t seem ready for detailed airliner flight modelling without major work arounds and plugging of holes. I’m not sure that Asobo has the will or knowledge to plug them either.

Thus far those devs that have released have done great work to get something workable.

It’s seems fine if you want your light GA aircraft.

Just my opinion…

I heard we will keep seeing mini-videos by our shiny prince Robert for another 6 months. So i’m guessing it will be released by Christmas.

By the way, it looks like Robert has a discord burner account. I caught you Robert!

Seriously doubt it’ll be 6 months. Whoever you heard that from sounds rather hyperbolic and is probably overly frustrated that it hasn’t been released yet.


I was joking. I have a very sarcastic dark side before having my 3-in-1 in the morning :slight_smile:

But i DID hear the discord message notification though in his latest video. So i’m sure he’s got a burner account lol.

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