PMDG 737 / FENIX A320 / CRJ-900/1000 — how do they compare?

From what I can tell all three are great renditions of their respective aircraft. I’d like to pick one to invest my time learning now and would like to ask how do they compare - piloting/operations wise, what kind of flights they’re more suited to, etc.
Not looking for a “which is best”, but actually what makes each unique.

Looking forward to your advice, cheers!

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The CRJ will keep you busy during the flight, because there is no auto throttle. It is not at the same level as the PMDG or Fenix aircraft, but still very enjoyable. The 737 and Fenix 320 are both really good, but the Fenix has a nice EFB, so I prefer that one for the moment.


But PMDG is adding one “soon”, right?
And do they all import the flight plan from simbrief? I only know the FENIX does

The PMDG EFB will not be as good as the Fenix one for a long time.

They all use simbrief, although the way in which differs. For Fenix it is a direct import, for PMDG and CRJ you have to download it manually to your harddisk. Then you can load it in the FMC.


The Fenix and the PMDG are on another level compared to the CRJ when it comes to build quality. Don’t get me wrong, I love the CRJ and am presently flying it exclusively but it isn’t as advanced.

The PMDG is lacking in the EFB as mentioned, but it will come.

As for type of flights, the CRJ is typically a “regional” airliner, 1-3 hour flights while the 737 and A320 have a longer range.

As also mentioned, the CRJ cockpit workload is a bit heavier as there is no auto throttle but nothing that can’t be managed.

If you use Air Manager / Touch Screens / Knobster then the folks over at SimStrumentation have a full cockpit already built for the CRJ which I use.

If you only want to invest in one and put your money / time into perfecting that aircraft, right now I’d probably go with the FENIX A320.

If you are looking to progress, I’d go CRJ then A320 but that’s just me :slight_smile:


Thank you for your kind advice! That’s a lot of glass you have there :smile:
I’ve been running through YT videos and fell in love with the 3 aircraft. I understand that the CRJ isn’t as in-depth as the other two, but maybe it’s already deep enough to be gratifying to study. I have to confess that I really like it’s cockpit… and the 1-3hr flights are in line with the ‘short’ flights I typically want to do (not that you can’t do short flights with the others). But it’s funny to read your recommendation that goes hand in hand with what is commonly accepted as the two study-level aircraft available for msfs, but then you deffault to the CRJ :slight_smile: it has an appeal!

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Skypilot is right, I have all 3 (I enjoy flying them all), and the Fenix A320 is a pleasure to fly (price wise, very good), also I enjoy CRJ city hopper. The FMC in the CRJ has its issues, however still enjoy flying and no autoland or auto throttle (true to life, which is a good achievement). I use “A pilots life 2”, recently had a job with PSA flying the CRJ.


And where does the 737 fit in?

Boeing, again fantastic flying all previous flightsims I only ever flew the airbus, Boeing personally I found more difficult to learn, from startup (but thats just me) The MCP to me at first looked intimadating, . It does not have EFB to calculate performance I was using other payware sources.

Again there are amazing vids tutorial on the PMDG. They will release an update with EFB at some point. Again its another fantastic achievement learning what every button does on the MCP. Cant remember how many times I messed up the startup sequence.

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I belive PMDG has some edge on performance - I just have the Fenix so that bit is from reading through forums. No first hand experience on anything else than the Fenix and I love it.

I am waiting for PMDG 777 and QW 787 though :wink:

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I own the crj and the 737. The 737 is the best plane available for MFS. It’s as system rich as you want, or don’t want. The crj is also good, not 737 level but it flies realistically and has all basic systems and functions, just no failures. But it’s worth it. If you want less work because of VNAV and autothrottle, go 737. If you want to have to pay attention more and work a little more at the controls and autopilot then go with the CRJ. If you want full depth, then 737 for sure. Both have good performance and I have an RTX2070S running mostly high to ultra settings. I don’t own the Fenix so can’t comment.

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Wow…love that set up. Nice :smiley:

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Better in performance than the Fenix, and a totally different cockpit philosophy. Really nice to fly. Fenix is more automated, so a bit easier regarding workload. If you like just a bit more manual switch clicking but still with aurothrottle, the 737 is your choice.


I wouldn’t be so sure about the QW 787, QualityWings haven’t said anything for two years now :thinking:

In terms of looks, they’re all different but quite unique. As a personal preference, I find the A320 beautifully modelled but too sterile, and the CRJ and the Boeing prettier, with a more classic cockpit.
I’m kind of put off just for the fact that the 737-600, 700 and the 800 having been mostly phased out in European airlines, or never actually having been used. Lufthansa for example, apparently never had any of those. So there’s also that in favor of the a320 and the crj…

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I’d just take the one you are most interested in. The A320 is probably just a bit boring to operate, probably a great workplace, just very automated, but imo the best quality and performance is fine (it wasnt at the start but theyre doing a great job fixing stuff). The PMDG 737 has some weird performance issues in the outside view for some that were already discussed in the forums but there doesnt seem to be any solution to this or anyone from the developers trying to fix it, at least for now. For me the Fenix has a better performance than the 737 for some reason.
My favourite is still the MD-80 though, isn’t the best for visuals but fun and weird to operate and fly. And personally a huge positive thing for me is just that Fenix and Leonardo got some really nice costumer support while PMDG still seems to be stuck “in the old days”, kinda disappointing sometimes.
No idea about the CRJ though, looked at some reviews and they were a bit disappointed, I heard the BAe146 is great too but I’m waiting for the Fokker F28. Are there any other airliners?


The Aerosoft CRJ is my favourite of these three. The cockpit is very immersive, the sounds are good, and the lack of some automation keeps you busy. I love flying it on shorter hops.
That being said, my personal number 1 airliner is the JF BAe 146 (mostly -300). Its graphics and sounds, and the absence of the “magenta line”, do really immerse me. You need to learn to be ahead of your aircraft. That’s so enjoyable for me.

And I’m with Zebra on the PMDG. Its very good, but definitely shows some weird behaviour and performance issues under some circumstances. And the PMDG support is absolutely not what you would expect from a very high cost piece of software. The A320 is much more complete, stable and its EFB makes it a joy to setup for a flight! I’ve yet to buy the LSH MD80. I’ve loved it in FS9 and FSX. Bit disappointed with the visuals and the steep price. But I’ll probably get it anytime soon.
And yeah, the JF F28 will be an instant buy for me!!! :slight_smile:

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This would be a topic on it’s own, but regarding graphics my opinion in whatever simulator and aircraft you can think of, the key aspect should be consistency. I think users sometime ask for ultra realistic texturing and review the sims (xp, msfs) by the sheer quality of their graphics. But targeting very photorealistic results requires consistency throughout the entire thing — and not just parts of it. I love when sims and models are completely photorealistic, just as I would prefer if instead you choose a stylistic rendition that is the precise opposite. What I get disgusted with is this uncanny valley that many developers find themselves in, trying to get photorealistic texturing in the most absurd details and then leaving huge parts with subpar results. I confess I would love to see a version of a simulator with no photo textures, just the right materials but no texturing, like those retro low poly sims decades ago, but combined with the best in-depth systems modelling. I would totally go for a stylistic rendition like that, with absolute focus on the systems, and offloading the weight of graphical fidelity from the devs.
This is surely not consensual, but one can dream no? Again, to me the key aspect is consistency.

Your post reminds me of my current request.

I am also looking to spend fifty euros on a clean and complete aircraft.

I left on the Fénix A320 but I’m afraid I’ll be bored on it during the flight. I like the planes that use to occupy the hands and the mind a bit.

As a result, I narrow my choice to the CRJ, the future ATR from Black Simu (which should be released shortly), 146 Professional from Just Flight, the Fokker F28 (release further away). The FLY THE

I eliminate planes that are not pushed enough or the A320 and the 737 because they are too “automated” for me. The Maddog MD-80 is overpriced.
I’m not ready to cross the barrier of almost 100 €

sorry for my english approximate

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The CRJ does actually have VNAV, you have to enable it in the EFB if you wish to do so.