PMDG 777 hard to handfly

(Xbox user)
So I bought the pmdg 777, and it was REALLY hard for me to fly it manually, the aircraft would pitch up and down all over the place, and if any one of you have the same problem as me, just enable the option that shows the trim ref speed on your pfd, it has helped so much, now I can effortlessly land the plane and do stable approaches.

But I will get better flight controls in the future so I hope I will be able tp fly without the option, did any one of you also have the same problem?

Moved to User Support Hub Aircraft & Systems that is more appropriate for community support.

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Thanks, I didnt really know where to post it

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I found it quite easy to hand fly. Like all large aircraft like this, the controls can feel quite doughy and initially unresponsive so it is easy to over correct like you have experienced. Just take it easy on the controls and trim input and you will be fine, even without seeing trim reference speeds.

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yes, i found the same,
the trim ref speed trick helps,

Trim ref speed has nothing to do with hand flying qualities. It’s a form of fly by wire, and all that ref speed does is mark the speed you will maintain with the current flight director pitch indication using your trim function. The plane otherwise is very easy to hand fly.

It does, the plane constantly tries to pitch and try to maintain the Trim Ref speed, which I would always love to know what it is.

Well, that plane is really easy to handfly. If you got in trouble with pitch, you should use the throttle non-binary. :laughing:

But seriously, look at that huge engine, when you handfly those big bird, just think about the pitch-up moment when you throttle up.
How do I know? I had a few landings on a real A380 Full Motion Simulator, and it happened to me as well during approach. I moved the throttle a little to much and and got such a huge pitch up in moments…. It’s fun to feel it……

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Ye man, I actually get it now, The planes vertical movement is controlled mostly by the engines, You trim for the right speed, and decrease or increase engine thrust to go up or down. The a380 sim sounds cool man, what would you recommend for me tho, do I got fly a cessna 150 for 30 minutes or do I go to a full motion sim of any plane i want? (and also if you dont mind me asking how much was the a380 sim?)

that’s not what’s happening, at least in my case, in stable flight, with power set and a/c trimmed, it suddenly pitches up or down out of nowhere,

the “trick” (for lack of a better term) is to make sure your selected speed is the same as your trimmed speed, when you have those two all lined up, then the a/c behaves much better

Never faced this before. Not with AP on nor handfly.

Well, my recommendation would be flying a real Aircraft like a Cessna for 30min because there is nothing over flying the real birds and later on try to get into a full motion sim for an hour. Graphics is ■■■■ but the feeling is like nothing else…guess except flying the real big birds which is out of reach for me.
I didn’t paid anything for it, but it’s not cheep so far…. :wink:


look in the FMC under the PMDG SETUP > OPTIONS > SIMULATION.

on one of the pages is the settings for:

which are the dead-zones % for the FBW flight path hold mode
(note the are not stick dead zones but explicit FBW dead zones, so if you have zero dead zone set on your stick a setting of 10% for each of the above wont change your actual stick feel, it will just change the explicit FBW flight path hold mode dead zone).

if you find the PMDG manual for the 777-300ER and look in the section:
Fly By Wire (it’s not an Airbus!)

it will give more info, of I recall the link to the can be found on the forum in the top right margin “PMDG 777 Documentation”

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i think this did the trick