PMDG Boeing 737 AP wont engage?

I completely followed the instructions, no errors appear, take off no problem, but even airborne i can hit cmd a or b thousands of times the ap wont engage. Not even steering via HDG is possible. I am really sick and tired of the B737 from PMDG. Sometimes everything works out fine and then with the 100% same checklist and procedure the ****** AP wont engage! Again i am completely clueless.
I am really thinking about refunding and asking PayPal to help me.

And now it is not about hydraulic and engine oil service since i did this before taxi.

Just a thought… have you posted this on PMDG’s Forums? They have a very active community there with extensive experience.

Of course, you can still find help here, but the OEM is always an excellent choice. HTH

Then i need to register there right? For MSFS i had to registrate at round about 12-15 different other sites.

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Did you turn on both flight directors?

Yes, just like all other forums. They are big on using your real name in your signature profile, so be prepared for that. But they are a helpful bunch.

Yes i did. I 100% followed the checklist. I even made service for hydraulic oil.

Real names. I prefer fake names since i am not Thomas MĂĽller in rl.


AP engaging every single flight I made. Must be around 150hrs of flying time since I bought the 738. Whatever it is, it must be a pilot thing. Screenshot would be nice.

Ok and now? Need more?

What happened? Shocked that you got a screenshot?

Hopefully its enough.

Your IRSs aren’t aligned. They should be aligned at the gate. If they don’t align you need to turn them off, wait 30 seconds, then turn them back on again.

And that prevents me from engaging AP and using HDG? And i did align them at gate(+Button 7 and 10 in FMC corresponding menu).
After i did the AP cannot be engaged but i also cannot activate V/S which was possible before.

I just want to hit cmd a (or b) button and seeing how ap engage.

Yes the IRS not aligned prevent you from everything whats belonging to autoflight. Thats also the reason why your Speed Trim,- and Mach Trim Fail lights are on.

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But as i already wrote i aligned it at gate according to checklist. But even then i should be able to engage ap and fly via hdg.

Look at your Screenshots. Your IRS is not aligned. You don’t have a complete PFD nor a Map on the ND. The lights above the IRS Switches are lighting ALIGN.
Whatever you did, you didn’t used the checklist correct or you missed a part.

And it wont align resp. the “ALIGN” light is turned on all the time. Why?

And how could this disable the ap? Speed works? What with hdg?