Would it be fair to say then, from your rough ball gazing…
The 773ER would be the costly 738 as in “everyone wants this” and its like the most commonest 777 out there… And then next (price wise) would be the just as common 772ER… I’m guessing it will be around the same mark like the 737-7 for being quite popular??
77L will be the 736 for being like the cheapest because… basically “non-existent…” yes Emirates operated them and a few others, Air India?? but it was certainly a small drop in the ocean that the 736 was…
and I guess the 77Fs will be the midway point… As there is a decent size community that love performing freight ops but certainly not massive…
I wonder if the original 772A and the 773 would ever get the look into just to “complete” the triple 7 family??? makes sense to add these, especially as they are essentially the same dimensions as their respective siblings, just not the ER name
At the time, the pricing for the 737 line was basically described as “cheaper overall compared to P3D and earlier sims” because of the greater volume of customers and sales in MSFS compared to the more niche appeal of those sims at the time. MSFS has so many more simmers/players that PMDG can reduce pricing accodingly.
Pricing variations among the models were that the -700 and -800 were more expensive because they came with 4 different variants each (pax, BBJ1 or BBJ2, and two cargo variants). The -900/900ER were cheaper because they had only 2 variants (-900 and -900ER). The -600 was cheapest because it was only 1 variant. The -600 also served as a “teaser” of sorts for people to see if they wanted to get into more serious levels of simulation without spending a lot of money to find out.
However, this particular “number of variants” kind of thing doesn’t make as much sense for the 777 since there are fewer variants overall, and the overall level of systems depth and complexity is higher. That’s why I think the pricing will be about $69 - $79 each.
Yeah I was wondering that myself considering it’s a 772 773 and that’s basically it, makes sense to split the varients into separate standalones besides… I hardly ever fly the BBJ and I kid myself with a number of cargo liveries…
Assuming the 777 comes out on time and at 1500z (as I think I saw somewhere in the forums), it will come out in a day at 10:00 AM in US time and 17:00 europe time.
PMDG servers WILL crash tomorrow then we’ll get a reply from PMDG about how demand has “taken them completely by surprise” and how they are “working on a fix”
Need to accept it will be a day 2 or day 3 purchase
You’ll definitely get it first sitting there pressing F5 all the time (and will also be the person who causes the crash), I’ll go out to lunch and then decide based on your feedback.
so it can be like some kind of commercial or any other my personal benefit but PMDG is still one and only 3-rd party dev to what I can believe it does all that I can be satisfied without doubts. I mean dev of aircraft.
HELP!!! I just saw the official website and I’m seeing this price, what is happening? Everything went away, the pressure, the money from the bank said goodbye, and my also said see you later, good luck to you.