PMDG DC-6 Electrical

quick q: just loaded the DC-6, used the AFE to go through the checklist to right before takeoff, however a lot of my guages aren’t working and it looks like there’s an electrical problem as shown in the screenshot. anyone know the fix for this?

UPDATE: if i flip “ENGINE INST.” to standby then the instrucment start working for a bit. but on normal they dont


UPDATE 2: also the flaps won’t go down even after the AFE said he was lowering them?


The aircraft can and will run out of oil, hydraulic fluid and other service items, as well as fuel.
Perhaps the gauges are working but the fluids are missing, hydraulic oil, in the case of the flaps.
You do, however. have a light on there labelled flight instrument power failure.
I would go through a maintenance check on the tablet, you might find out what’s going on there.

thanks for the reply. turns out it was a bug in the PMDG code. i had to do a full uninstall and reinstall and now it’s ok. things were definitely not behaving based in reality :smiley: