PMDG DC-6 Front Cabin Stairs not retracting

I am trying to retract the front cabin stairs. No luck so far using the tablet. Also, putting the plane into “ready for taxi”-state would not remove the stairs. Any idea what I did wrong?

Hello, Aviate, Navigate, Communicate is the subcategory for help I have moved your topic there.

If you close the door before you retracted the stairs that is your problem. The stairs are stowed inside the front cabin door. See also for expansive help on the DC-6, which is a relatively complex aircraft.

I’m not sure how one could close the door before the stairs. Not only does the EFB not permit it, but the door would hit the stair mounts and wouldn’t be able to be physically closed.

I loaded into the DC-6B today and opened the door, cycled the stairs and closed the door, so it does work for, at least, me.

If you’re on PC, have you tried the whole delete all the various DC-6 directories to perform a clean delete and then reinstalled?

Hi Nixon
I am pretty sure that when I was operating the stair and doors in the EFB I had some lag which might have caused the door to close prior the ladder. Also - once that happened I could not operate anything in the EFB in regards to doors and stairs.

I did another flight later on and then it worked as expected. A fluke? Most likely.

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