PMDG DC-6 review on Xbox. Does Pmdg live up to their reputation on Xbox?

Hello pilots! There is so much to cover with this little one! I’ve tried in 15min. Hope it gives you a good idea of what to expect before spending 60€/$ :saluting_face:


Thanks for that. Do those yellow steps/gantries come with the aircraft or are they part of something else?


They come with the aircraft.

Opening of doors & cargo holds and the presentation of stairs, tow vehicle, GPU, mechanic stands, oil pans & pitot/protective covers are all activated via the on-board tablet.


yes exactly! Thx for replying NixonRedgrave :slight_smile: It’s a nice feature and this tablet honestly is amazing, especially the virtual engineer.


It’s a fantastic aircraft and without a doubt raises the bar for Xbox simmers. As a rule I’m not really an airline pilot but I really enjoy the DC6. There are a couple of bugs but I’m confident PMDG will resolve them. One of my favourite if not the favourite in the sim.


Slowly drifting toward dc-6 on xbox (I used to love flying dc-3 but once I realised dakota is unbrokenable I kinda found it boring). So I suppose dc-6 is everything I need and even more (twice more radials and lots of things than can go wrong onboard :wink::grin::grin:). Just one thing makes me wander… why there are 1/5 of the reviews on marketplace ranking it with 1star? Why? :thinking: :roll_eyes:

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My suspicions on an answer for your question is that this isn’t a plane for everyone.
This era aircraft only appeals to a specific crowd, so those that purchased it only to leave it in their hangar, probably account for some of the ratings.

I will say that if you like flying aircraft of that vintage, the PMDG DC-6 will keep a smile on your face.
There really is nothing else in this class of airliner that has been made quite as thoroughly.
It is a joy to fly, but it does take some learning to master it.


It may be that when the PMDG DC-6 was first released on Xbox, even Microsoft did not know that Xbox could not successfully running WASM Addons, resulting in many consumers who paid for it unable to fly this aircraft…

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To add to this, I believe it took nearly two years to get the backend changes done by Xbox labs to allow WASM-based add-ons to work on Xbox.

One can understand if people spent what they spent on the DC-6 and then couldn’t use it for that long.

There is no way that it deserves this or is anywhere near a 1-star aircraft.


looks like I joined msfs on console just in time😉e