Pmdg dc-6?

Has anyone here purchased and flown the PMDG DC-6? I have a serious craving for this aircraft but wanted some experienced opinions before I purchase it…I have never paid as much for any simulator add-on and sure would appreciate any advice given! Thanks…


It’s extremely impressive in terms of modeling and simulation. You can spend hours just sitting on the tarmac flipping switches and learning the complexities of the cockpit. It’s simply awesome that way.

It comes with a set of beautiful liveries for both the A and B variants.

Even Rob at PMDG’s excellent video tutorials are worthy of praise. I can’t recommend these enough. Check them out on YouTube.

The fully optional tablet-based AI Flight Engineer is really really helpful for controlling the complexities of powerplant management.

It’s also got realistic settings for engine stress/damage.

Basically, you can set settings to make it pretty easy to get flying and then toggle various options on/off to make it more challenging to operate.

It’s dreamy to fly.

If paying for content like this aircraft will bring more this way, then I’m all in.


Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft for third party aircraft discussion.

The PMDG DC-6 is nothing short of amazing. Best enjoyed doing VOR navigation, and the perfect excuse to learn it if you’re only familiar with GPS navigation.

It’s an amazing plane, and the AFE is a great way to make it more accessible for new pilots. If you start doing everything manual, and you mess something up, her engines will break, which is always good fun :slight_smile:

I bought it and Im really enjoying it. The AFE makes it very easy to fly while you learn the different systems.

You can take a peek at the tutorial videos from PMDG and make and idea if its complexity and depth will suit your taste.

If this means anything - I have not flown any other aircraft since I purchased the DC-6 the day it came out…


Does anyone know where to find the “advanced tutorials” that Rob talks about in these tutorials?

Rob mentioned this in the live stream he did with Fabio last week. He’s simply been too busy to finish them yet. If he had 48 hours per day they would have been done already.

I hope he gets some time to finish them in the following weeks. Thing is, apparently he’s been designated as the best person to do the 737 tutorials as well… :wink:

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wholeheartedly support NixonRedgrave’s views…fantastic to own and fly!

What everyone says. Simply a stunning aircraft to fly in MSFS. And as has been stated watch the videos!

It’s brilliant! If it’s someone’s first study-level then it may appear a tad scary but the beauty of it is the AFE that can simplify everything until one is ready to start switching parts of it off as one learns different aspects of the complexity. Did I say it’s brilliant? I’m thoroughly hooked.


It’s my first “study-level” plane and, while there’s a lot to learn, there’s more than enough help from the excellent tutorial videos, documentation and AFE to get any enthusiastic newcomer off the ground (and back down again :slight_smile:). The sounds, visuals and systems depth are all great, but it’s the feeling of flying it that really makes it amazing.

@Grover2005 I don’t know if you’ve made the purchase yet, but I’m flying the Cloudmaster right now — something I’m not regularly doing since I mainly fly on Xbox.

I fired up my gaming PC and have been enroute to KLAS in the DC-6 and, man, what a joy this plane is to fly.

I am absolutely beyond bummed there is a long wait for the fixes needed to return it to operation on Xbox.

If you’re still hesitating (assuming you’re PC) — don’t!

Yes it´s the best airplane so far. The PMDG 737 will have the same quality and system depth.

The Cloudmaster is said as highly difficult and complex but I find it rather intuitive and very interesting to learn, today afternoon I learned the deicing and heating systems and tried stuff with the engines. (Next step, learning wet take-off with water injection and of course starting the engines manually.)

Perfect plane and currently on sale on the Marketplace :wink:

And it´s the second piston plane with supercharger and perfect steam gauge cockpit, the other one is the Carenado M20.

My favourite airframe to take for a spin by a country mile! Love the look, feel and complexity of the DC-6. Don’t be put off by the complex looking beast - the Automated Flight Engineer has your back and can get you well on your way.

I basically just weaned off the AFE as I got more confident with the aircraft. Don’t get me wrong; it can keep you occupied but from a satisfaction perspective, this absolutely nails it.

If you like learning new things and get a serotonin hit from doing them well, you’ll love it.

If you want to hit CTRL-e and fly upside down under the golden gate bridge and post a pic on Reddit, you’ll hate it.

A very special aircraft indeed and you can “feel” all the hard work and complexity involved in modeling it.

And the handbook even delivers a failure procedres section! These are the best technical details ever written in a manual. Absolut outstanding A2A quality in terms of technical details!

I wonder if the PMDG 737 will have the same outstanding utmost attention to detail and system depth quality and interesting handbooks to read, if yes they can easily charge 100€ and everyone with common sense and good taste for airplanes is going to buy it.