Pmdg dc6

Hi everyone, I have a question about the PMDG DC-6 for Xbox. There are four circuit breakers that are down and I can’t raise them. I’ve repaired the plane several times, restarted the game, and so on, but they remain down. Has anyone else experienced this? I can raise and lower the other circuit breakers, but not these four from the photo. Thanks, best regards.
(And the brightness of the tablet doesn’t work either, it has a bug.)

Thank you for this report. We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.

The Bug Reporting Hub is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug report. Using the template or providing all the relevant information about your bug and sim setup is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the User Support Hub category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

For whatever reason(s), those four are non-op and will remain in the off position.

I can’t look into the brightness issue, because I’m having connectivity issues with the sim and Marketplace, which is causing my purchases not to load.

When that gets rectified, I’ll take a look at the brightness for you.


Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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I finally got access to my Marketplace content after today’s sim issues.

While I don’t have the DC-6 installed on my Xbox right now, I can say that the Brightness control works on the PC version provided you turn off the Auto Brightness switch first.

I’ll get the Six installed on my Xbox and see what goes on with it there.

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Hello thanks. It’s normal for something to break with updates. The DC6 works just fine, and it comes with automatic brightness by default. You can use the tablet without any problems, but if you try to adjust the brightness manually, it gets stuck at the minimum level. Still, the plane is perfectly usable with the Xbox, not worry thank you very much for your help and for responding so quickly! :slight_smile:

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This does not work with an xbox-controller! With a mouse attached, the brightness can be adjusted without any problems. If you try to adjust the brightness with a controller, the efb-screen turns black and , as you described, gets stuck at the minimum level. For some reason this just don’t work without a mouse. Everything else works perfectly fine. Workaround: Don’t touch the EFB-brightness settings with your controller OR use a mouse!