PMDG Douglas DC-6

MSFS haters (many of them are PDMG fans, but on other platform) have repeated all the time that the platform is not ready for PMDG products, and look MSFS simmers as kids, and now the official statement from Robert S. Randazzo:

[22MAY21] It is finally time for a bit Show-and-Tell related to Microsoft Flight Simulator

“We fully expect to have the DC-6 and 737’s released this year, with a remote possibility of the 777 releasing as well by year end, and the 747 during first half of 2022.”


Per RSR comments here

Also you can hear RSR talking about the future of PMDG in MSFS and him complementing Asobo’s help

So with this, we would like to shut down the topic of “SDK is not ready” and “MSFS is a game” for good lol


Will there be the ability to get rid of the tablet (like clicking on it?)

Wow it’s actually happening. A couple months ago I would’ve never believed this but I’m glad to see it. This is honestly my favorite PMDG release so to get it first in MSFS is crazy.

That’s really great news coming out of nowhere.

Now my question would be as this is a really ancient plane, how do you navigate these things? Do they support VOR Navigation, autopilot etc? I have a DC-3 for X-Plane and it has the Sperry but it was already on the threshold of being painful for me.

And as these planes still operate in some regions of the world I always ask if there are will be ways to connect them with more modern avionics, GPS …

Also do I see it right that there isn’t gonna be any cabin modelling?

And did say anything about a cargo version? It seems the DC-6 for the old versions had those.

The tone of the announcement and of the intro video on youtube suggests PMDG is going to have a pretty steep learning curve dealing with the kinds of expectations and the kinds of voices that populate the social media cloud that’s developed around thus hobby in the past 10 months. This isn’t 2007 and that dry-as-dust, self-important vibe needs to go. Considering how the tone of the forums at ORBX and Aerosoft has shifted in the past 10 months, the PMDG forums are about to become very entertaining.

Can’t wait for this very study level old bird!

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Sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to fly this complex bird! Good news, great news!

PMDG will start with the DC-6 next month. 737, 747, 777 are next. And they even have a YouTube channel now with a complete tutorial series for the DC6 released today in case anyone missed it:

PMDG’s YouTube Channel

So exiting to see that even every single circuit breaker is modeled, hahaha !


That’s awesome news. Even the YT channel itself is an indicator that PMDG have realised that times have changed a bit, the community is much more active now than ever before, and cryptic once-in-every-three-months forum posts don’t work well in this world.


you’re right… their forums post is an interesting read, too

There has been a fair amount of skepticism within our customer base as to whether Microsoft Flight Simulator is-or-will-be a valid platform for the sorts of products PMDG makes. We have remained silent on the topic in part because we don’t generally talk much about products early in the development cycle. We also don’t like to talk too much about our development agenda prior to a development project reaching some maturity because it is important as a small developer for us to maintain as much flexibility as possible to shift resources around as they are needed to keep projects from bogging down. But this of course has caused some conjecture on what our opinion of the platform might be, so we thought it might be a good time to lay bare what we are up to with Microsoft Flight Simulator.

We are “all in” with this new platform. We have reached the point where we are certain that we can get all of our product lines effectively into the simulator, and that process has begun in earnest. Currently we are working on the DC-6 and the 737 product lines, and Vin is building out the new flight deck for the 777. We fully expect to have the DC-6 and 737’s released this year, with a remote possibility of the 777 releasing as well by year end, and the 747 during first half of 2022.


So PMDG are onboard and planes are coming
This means other favourites can also do their magic (A2A, Quailitywings, Majestic, Milviz,…)
Progress is being made in the AIG world with AI traffic

Exciting times :crazy_face:


Yeah baby !!!

Let the 737 come :grimacing::+1:

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Encouraging news about the state of MSFS SDK and other developments as well

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Great news, can’t wait for the T7


Being a long-time PMDG follower, when the forum goes into “radio-silence” mode, it just means they are getting ready for a release…

The DC-6 is a nice surprise and I’m sure it will do very well for them.


So , I hope that this is end of all of nonsense about how is this platform not ready , and will be never ready for PMDG …


Like many have said, it is easy to blame the platform indefinitely, trying to distract people from the fact that you also need to learn new skills.


Really looking forward to this one - and every other classic airliner that will ever make it to MSFS - hopefully it’ll be a high-quality rendition.