This was back in July last year:
All from the article written at the time:
[30JUL20] Pending Updates Update and PMDG 737NG3 for Microsoft Flight Simulator First Look - PMDG Simulations
Just to reiterate, this was all written in July last year:
‘The Faustian Bargain here is that we cannot simply drag our existing code sources over, click a few buttons and output a new product for you. What is required here is a top-down engineering effort to bring our existing technology into the simulator while simultaneously learning everything we can about the new platform’
‘There are aspects of the MSFS SDK/API that aren’t finished, and functions still missing that we need in order to bring everything fully to life. We are fortunate to have a wide open channel with Microsoft and Asobo so once these features are implemented, debugged and ready for prime time, we will share those results with you.’
‘We are looking forward to bringing you more previews as our work progresses, but please do understand that we are building our first product release on an entirely new platform and this is taking time.’
For those not registered on the PMDG forums, the July article contains some WIP images , so here’s a couple of them:
It’s up to people to read in to all this as they see fit and for some, interpret things the way they want to even is the message coming from the developer is the opposite.
Unless I’m missing something glaringly obvious, PMDG said back last year that the SDK wasn’t where it needed to be at that time. Clearly Aerosoft along with Asobo have done some significant work in that department as the CRJ is plain evidence of that. Could it be that it’s as simple as the SDK is now at a state of functionality that PMDG are able to utilise it far more to achieve what they want to in order to bring their aircraft to this sim, especially as to quote “we are not currently seeing any major limitations to prevent us from bringing our product catalogue into MSFS.” ?
During the X-Plane Vulkan beta last year, that circus was certainly changing continually (highly dynamic not so much) and breaking all manner of things on a regular basis from beta version to version. Some devs (Flight Factor springs to mind with their study level A320) basically said we’ll update our addons when this things in a stable condition or words to that effect, otherwise they’d constantly be trying to get the thing working whilst LR kept shifting the goalposts all over the place week after week. Perhaps PMDG have been taking a similar approach with how the SDK and sim have been progressing