PMS50 GTN750 Project

Add Learjet 35a, confirmed functional GTN750 on Xbox


The GTN750 is now available to XBOX users in the Flysimware Learjet 35A


… unfortunately with repeating black screens :disappointed_relieved:

I have black avionics screens in any aircraft that I try to turn on a weather radar. Once it happens, it will be on every aircraft. The only way to fix it is to restart the whole sim.

I’m on Xbox.

@two1smake11s Which planes? I’ve done Learjet and c414 no issues. Are you sure you’re using compatible planes? I’m on Xbox as well. Some planes have the GTN750 but it’s not functional. Only two or three are functional on Xbox at this time.

@EchoEightSix I don’t believe it is related to the GTN750. I was letting the person above me know that it happens with any aircraft that contains a weather radar that is separate from the GPS. This happens with or without the GTN750. I think the weather radar is the problem.

I apologize that I did not make that clear at all the first time.

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We are pleased to announce a new aircraft in the GTN750 family: The Cowan Simulation H130 helicopter.
An additional WTT package (recommended) sets the GTN750 as an external navigator for the WT G3X.


The G3X/GTN750 combination is now available to the //42 FOX2/Freedom Fox.
The GTN750 is defined as an external navigator to the WT G3X.
To get it, install our additional WTT package found on the pms50 site.
You need the latest //42 kitfox and GTN750 versions.


… which only works for PC, correct?

for now, yes.

Hey man. Any chance you can do this for the new Analog variants too, pretty please? They’re still showing G3X.


Please port this to Xbox now that you can.

No, the Analog version requires the G3X for displaying the FMA data and the selected altitude.

With the G3X/PMS 750 combo, how can I get engine rpm info displayed in the Fox2? (See photo above from ScorpionFilm 422, e.g.)

There is an engine page in the G3X but I can’t find the RPM info.

Thanks for that. Was hoping for power/rpm availability on the PFD.

You can access additional engine pages by rotating the inner right hand knob.
If I’m not mistaken there are two engine pages in the Fox, but can’t remember if they dispaly RPM.

Nope, the other page is a fuel calculator.

This is why it would have been perfect on the analog version, but seems that’s not possible :frowning:



  • Bugfix: Direct To a user waypoint not working.

That is really strange that in Kitfox, the small right-side G3X shows the engine RPM, but the large left-side G3X does not. Unsure if this is by design (WT’s or //42s?), or deliberate. I’ll post this to the Working Title Discord tonight when I can grab some screenshots.

In the meantime, I created a Tach and RPM% display on my StreamDeck XL via SPad.Next, just so I can have that data when using the PMS GTN750.

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