PMS50 GTN750 Project

Thank you for your feedbacks guys.
I also previously checked the OBS chapter in the “integration.pdf” doc file, but it is intended for aircrafts development.
I can get and use “A:GPS DRIVES NAV1” (CDI select) in SPAD.neXt, but I’m not able to find “A:GPS OBS ACTIVE”.
And “K:GPS_OBS_INC” and “K:GPS_OBS_INC” are also not available at SPAD level.
Am I wrong?

I don’t know about SPAD.
THe integration.pdf will be soon changed about the OBS.

OK, so in these last exchanges, we have to consider these data and events (K:GPS_OBS_SET, K:GPS_OBS_INC, K:GPS_OBS_DEC, A:GPS OBS ACTIVE) to be only accessible in the sim but not exposed to end user through SimConnect, HEvents or as LVARs?

By the way, PMS50_GTN750_RUNNING LVAR is externally exposed and readable via SPAD. So maybe will it be possible to have GPS variables like it? And new HEvents like GTN750_HomePush, GTN750_DirectToPush, GTN750_VolInc… that are already available?

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Yes, it could have been a workaround for some devices, but with no sync guarantee (as we need to know the “A:GPS OBS ACTIVE” state). In the other way it will also not work when using the GTN750 knob with the mouse in the cockpit.

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OK, I need a sanity check. I could have sworn I saw a picture of a GTN750 and it’s “baby brother” (that I didn’t even know existed) in Just Flight’s Turbo Arrow. But I’m not getting that option. I can do a GPS100 (which I happened to own once upon a time, mostly used it to fly direct to specific intersections), a 530/430 combo, just a 530, and just a GTN750.

Did I imagine that photo into existence in my mind and nowhere else? Or is it an actual option that for one reason or another I’m not able to access?


Double check you have the latest version of the 750, and also you have extracted it correctly.

The ZIP has a folder inside it, so make sure you don’t create a folder to extract it into as it would be one level down in the tree, if you see what I mean.

The 750 should appear as an option on the tablet to your right.

The 750, by itself, does. Just not it and it’s “little brother”, assuming such a thing even exists and is not just a figment of my imagination, or something I dreamed about or some such thing.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out, if there actually is a little brother, and if there is, if the 750 and it’s possibly non-existent little brother is supposed to be an option.

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Strange. Which version of the Arrow do you have?

I have Turbo Arrow 0.4.0, and Arrow 0…9.0.

Just the Turbos, and 99.9% sure I have the latest.

This is the Turbo Arrow.

Yes, yes!! That’s what I thought I saw, but when I flew the b1rd yesterday or the day before, I could only get the single 750 option. You think I’ve got an old version of the plane itself?

At least I actually did see it lol…

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That doesn’t actually mean I’m not really insane though…

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It’s possible. Easy way to find out is have a look in its “manifest.json” file. I have Turbo Arrow 0.4.0 installed.

It appears I have 3.5, so I guess it’s upgrade time!

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The “baby brother” of the GTN750 is called the GTN650 btw. It’s a great little GPS (all that functionality in the 750 - more or less) and fits in a standard position in the panel so more easily upgraded to.

Will the 750 and 530 mods be updated to keep the VOR1 and GPS OBS settings in sync or will that be up to us to do somehow? If I can expect it in a future update I won’t go to the effort now of setting up a temporary fix.


Just wait - PMS50 will sort out anything that needs sorting out.

He always has … A professional :+1:

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I tend to fly with the 750 in map mode (modified to show wind direction) and the 650 set to the default display of various nav parameters.

Only issue I have is I have not yet worked out how to program a “direct to” on the 650 I have to do that using my 750.

I just check both the NA, and Turbo Arrow, and 650 support was added in 0.9.0, and 0.4.0, respectively.

How come when I do the Right-Alt pop out I get the GSN 530 screen and not the GTN750 screen? Is there a way to fix this? I own the premium version.

If this is a Carenado Aircraft. Right-Alt pop by clicking on the radio part of the GPS. This is a Carenado bug.

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