PMS50 GTN750 Project

Thanks that worked

just tried the new H145 helo -which I understand should work with my premium 750 subs
I get no map display - so assume I need to install the latest version of 750 to get it working again

After reading the docs think I just need to redownload both the basic and premium version files then copy them into the “community” folder again (removing the old version)- however when I go into my account on their werbsite can only seem to be able to download the basic version (cant seem to download the premium any longer?!)- can anyone assist and let me know precisely what I need to update this?

There aren’t separate downloads any more, just a single package.

Just remove the old basic and premium packages and install the latest single package.

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Thanks for the replies - so basically
I just need to remove all the associated folders (basic + premium and the separate aircraft folders ) from my community folder and replace them with the single folder that I was able to download from the site?(no need to activate it or the navigraph again)

Yes exactly. No need to re-enter your license if it’s currently active.

but you do still need the seperate aircraft packages?

Yes aircraft packages must be separated because some users want the GTN750 only in some specific aircrafts.

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Ok understood (but u said in your earlier post I just needed the single folder which now includes both the basic and premium?) - so presume the required individual aircraft files are in the main zip file?

Also Interested in how the 750 works in the new 145 helicopter - from what I read if you have tour GTN750 installed the helicopter will
Use the 750automatically for the 2 bottom screens?

The aircraft packages are not any more in the main package file. You can get them on this page:

For the detail on the 145 you may ask to the aircraft builder. You don’t need any extra package from our side.

thanks got it.
hopefully last question! - if you have the working title g1000 mod installed (which I do)what does it mean
for gtn750- compatibility?

Have MS/ASOBO, as the Developers of the C172 Classic ( Premium / .fsarchive protected), even been asked if they would make it GTN750 compatible as an option ?? (Since they are the only ones that can place the GTN750 Bezzel in the interior model)

Other developers have made their planes GTN750 Compatible, it should not take Brain Surgery for Asobo to do the same.

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They do not sync with each other (the GTN with the G1000 NXi PFD), so you should not use the GTN on the planes that use the G1000 (like the Cessna 172 G1000) if you want to use the new G1000 NXi. Just don’t install the aircraft packages for those planes and you are good.
If you are talking about the old G1000 (not the NXi), then you don’t have a problem, you can use both together.

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Can anyone who bought the Carenado Arrow tell me if it has both GTN 750 and GTN 650 in the panel like the Just Flight planes or just the single GTN 750?

The Carenado arrow has 2 configs: dual GNS430 or GTN750 + GNS430

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  • Duplicate waypoints sorted by distance.
  • Added the Find button in waypoint keyboard (premium).
  • Added beacon marker visual alert (premium).
  • Waypoint altitude constraint can be set in flight plan (except for approach waypoints).
  • Import flight plan sets the given cruising altitude for all enroute waypoints.

:+1: Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: FANTASTIC !!!

If you have contact with them can you please ask them to make a config for both 750 and 650 for their planes? That would be great and they may listen to you.


Having built complex flight plans in the GTN750, and saved them in the GTN750 “catalogue”, is there any way to get these out of the sim as a .pln file 

 if you ESC and go to LOAD/SAVE and save, you can force it to save as a .pln file if you first enter *.pln to force it from .flt to .pln

Well “almost” , it does not save really what appears to be in the GTN750 :frowning:

Currently, MSFS’s saving of Flight PLans has some major issues under SU#5.

Note @+b is meant to be 
 Ronald Reagan Washington National

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SimBase.Document Type=“AceXML” version=“1,0”>
AceXML Document
@+b to Logan Intl
N38° 51’ 5.20",W77° 2’ 15.80",+000011.67
N42° 21’ 46.60",W71° 0’ 23.00",+000016.00
@+b to Logan Intl
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Logan Intl

Are we not using “safe strings” ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Love this mod.

One question.

I am probably missing something obvious here but I cannot work out with the “popout” gtn750 in a window how to do a “direct to” an airfield in the nearby airfield list ?