[Polls] World Update 19: Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana

World Update 19: Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana now available as a free download from the in-sim Marketplace for both Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Please see the release notes linked below and use this topic for discussion and feedback.

Poll Questions

Feel free to answer these poll questions after you download and experience the new update.

Did you experience any CTDs during this download process? If yes, please respond to this post and let us know more details.
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, how do you like the new photogrammetry and POIs?
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  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being smoothest, how is your performance/stability in this update? Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • 1
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  • 10
0 voters
Is your performance/stability worse, the same, or better than before the World Update? Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • Worse
  • The same
  • Better
0 voters
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, how would you globally rate this update? (This question will be used as a reference between each update)
  • 1
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  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

Guyana was spelt wrong in the trailer although it was known as British Guiana!

Miss opportunity not including SYEC. The busiest airport in Guyana with routes to SMZO Suriname and the Caribbean!

Also what happened to the Kaieteur falls? The largest single drop waterfall in the world!

Also Orinduik Falls Guyana


Hello @FarfisaFast,

The information you have posted above is not correct. SBFI is indeed in Brazil.



I read SARI sorry for the mistake


I just did a quick trip from SBRJ in Rio. On approach I noticed that the major road bridge is partially underwater and so is the traffic. How did that get past the testers?

Also my flight was in VR and 3 times it had to be aborted due to the fps got so low that it locked up VR. I have very, very rarely had that.

I realise that this may be one one of the most challenging cities on the planet now and I chose poorly for my first experience.

However, that road bridge is going to annoy a lot of people.


I got CTD when acquiring it in MSFS24 Marketplace.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Local Legend 20: CAP-4 Paulistinha

That should be an easy fix for them. But a rather embarrassing thing to slip through the net.

I truly, truly also want to know how this got past any tester. And let’s not forget this WU was delayed by several months.


I don’t see the Photogrammetry cities list. Does anyone know?

Same here. For me, it happened after I “aquired” and then clicked on “Manage in Library”… I think it was. I restarted and didn’t have any issues.

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Just activated the WU Brazil and tried to load in SBFI (one of the new handcrafted airports) and the sim immediately freezes. Tried it several times with several other airports everywhere in the world (aircraft: AT-802), so nothing special - insta freeze. Great job.

p.s. disabled the WU, freezes remain. Sim unusable.

FS2020 just updated itself for World Update XIX.
I expected to find the update to download in the Content Manager as usual but I didn’t find anything.
Apart from the four new flags in the splash, I went to see Santos Dumont-SBRJ and it looks like the usual default airport.
Did I miss something? :thinking:

UPDATE: World Update XIX is in Marketplace not in Content Manager, sorry!


I can’t search for Guyana’s Kaieteur International Airport (SYKA) on the world map. Entering SYKA does not return any results. Anyone else able to search for it?


It’s not the only one I’ve encountered doing that either!

I just spawned at SBFI in the AT-802 without any issues. Do you have any other add-ons in your community folder that might conflict?

How do we install it in MSFS 2024, is it automatically streamed, or do we have to do something to activate it?

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Same here, one side is even worse than the other :laughing:

Flying that aircraft is … interesting. Feels even slower than the Top Rudder Solo.

In the Marketplace, under “World”

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It seems like it’s PSKA in the sim