Popout Displays Improvements

So, now that the windows are able to be popped out and they retain their position (thank you for that), there are 2 things that have plagued me.

First is if i adjust the monitor/display positions (the desktop screens, that is) and the popouts were on a lower screen that is no longer positioned below the primary monitor, the popouts are no longer there, they are not alt-tabbable so using win+shift+arrows to move the windows to different monitors doesn’t work either. I was able to use a window management tool that was able to move the popouts to where i could recover them, but that is a pretty terrible way to fix an issue where the popouts are now off the desktop with no in-game way to resolve.

Second, if the popouts could automatically popout if they were open in a prior session with the aircraft (lets say a last known state that saves the x/y/w/h plus boolean popout state) so that loading an aircraft you previously had the displays popped out in will load back up without having to interact with the sim every time at load. This would have to be paired with an option for auto-popout so that users can select this feature if they desire.

This should also apply to any other windows such as ATC panel, weather panel, fuel/weight panel etc.


I’ve been fighting with resizing popout gauges to fit overlay bezels and in the near future to fit a full display surrounded by actual hardware buttons/knobs/switches.

Right now what is driving me insane is no matter how I try and resize the popout it retains that blasted black band to either size so the gauge is NEVER matching up with bezels. I’ve been hunting what ever resource I can find, I’ve asked here and on discord, but I can NOT get a straight answer. They range from: “it just works”, “Asobo sucks”, “works for me”, “wrong forum, post here”, “it’s because of the display resolution”, “you’re aspect ratio is wrong”: blah blah blah blah.

All the videos you see on YouTube, the gauges beautifully behaves and fits the screen perfectly.

I’ve tried using Hawkeye’s PopOut Manager, it has helped in auto popping the gauges, but the aspect of the gauge STILL isn’t right. And it seems every few starts or so, I have to redo all my popout settings.

I’m using what ever version is automatically downloaded when you start MSFS (Store Version) with all the World Updates.

I’ve attached a generated report from dev-mode. you can see my hw,sw,packages and build ver from there.

If you’ve found a way to get the popout to behave PLEASE PLEASE share! :wink:

MSFSReport.txt (27.8 KB)

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Try this: pop out the gauge, put it on the screen you want it on, and maximise it. You’ll still have the title bar visible and black bars to left and right (assuming the screen is the same aspect ratio as the gauge, so for G1000 it’s 4:3, and for G3000 it’s 16:10; the Garmin displays are not 16:9, so the pop-out is 16:10 and you will have some side bars to fit it on a 16:9 screen correctly).

Then, with the pop-out focussed, hit ALT+ENTER. The pop-out will go full-screen, removing the title bar. What I’ve found is that sometimes the sim calculates the size of the content using the true aspect ratio of the pop-out, but uses the pixel height of the pop-out window including the title bar when it works out the width of the content, even if the title bar isn’t visible, which causes exactly this black-bars-on-either-side problem.

Now, I appreciate you’re talking about fitting pop-outs inside Air Manager bezels, but the problem is the same. The gauge aspect ratio calculation doesn’t include the title bar, but the title bar is added to the number used for the width calculation, so you get the unwanted black bars. POPM’s ‘remove title bar’ functionality works, but the sim still draws the gauge as if the title bar was there and so the aspect ratio is still off.

For AM use, what I do is use POPM and, when initially setting it up, I size the pop-out to be smaller than the hole in the bezel, and position it in the middle of that space. I leave the title bar visible (always). Then I use the window movement and sizing keys in POPM to move the pop-out to the top left corner of the hole and I keep going up until the title bar disappears behind the bezel. You need the AM bezel panel set to ‘always on top’ for this to work. Then I expand the pop-out until it fills the hole. Doing this, I can get the correct aspect ratio. Then, if you wanted to, you could stop using POPM because the pop-outs will return to where you put them next time; but I will always use POPM to avoid having to pop anything out manually.

EDIT: I’m not sure I’m explaining this very well. What’s key to understand is that the aspect ratio of the window content will be correct (no black bars) only if the overall pop-out window size is in the correct aspect ratio adding the additional height for the title bar. You can always size a pop-out with the title bar on to remove black bars from the content area. By having the AM bezel set to always on top, you can do this and hide the title bar behind the bezel, while maintaining the correct aspect ratio for the window content, since the holes in the AM bezels are of the correct aspect ratio too.

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Big caveat on the retaining position. The pop out position is not retained on a per aircraft basis. So swapping between aircraft that use the same avionics when you need them located in a different location on your screen due to other instruments such as with an Air Manager panel layout make this another poor implementation. Using POPM is still essential.

That has to have been by far the absolute BEST description of what was happening and how to work around the aspect ratios.

To date all I have receieved as replies were, “It just works for me!” or “Your acepct is wrongz”

The fact that you took the time to go into details abouyt 16:9 and 4:3 and walk me thorugh your process allowed me to Finally nail down the placement of the pop-ups inside the bezels. While yes they don’t fill the 1920x1080 screen it does give me an idea of what kind of LCD to purchase when I finally make the actual hardware bezels.

The important thing to keep in mind is that the G1000 is 4:3. Unlike most screens and tablets these days that are almost always 16:9. We WON’T even touch the subject of ultrawides! lol.

So if I source a good quality 4:3 LCD and size my printed bexels and electronics to fit I should be good to go.

Of course, I COULD always go with a G3000 triple screen, hehe. Options, Options.

Again thank you for your great explanation and walk through.

I kind of miss the ol’ 800x600 and 1024x768 days. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can you post how you recovered those windows. I’ve yet to figure this out with the Popout manager.

Mine are not retaining the position for example

Load up a320 neo
Load up Egaa
Popout both mfds to monitor 1 they stay there for flight

Go and do some other activity

Come back load a320 neo again the popouts are reset