Popout windows (pmdg wasminstrument) position memory?

Do you know if it is possible for the popout instruments for example from the PMDG to remember their position? So for a home cockpit build for example I want them to popout to the exact same position on my secondary monitor each time. Is there a coordinate setting for this somewhere?

Ah, there is a program on github called ms-popout-panel-manager.
It can be found here and automates the popout process: Releases · hawkeye-stan/msfs-popout-panel-manager · GitHub.

This solves both the popout automation and remembers panel size and position

MSFS Implemented this natively into the SIM in SU11 or 12 (forget which) but still doesn’t work as well as Stans Pop Out Pannel Manager (POPM).

This is also well documented on the forum;

Tons of great features, including the ability to use touch screens.

Currently en route in the PMDG 737 with POPM in action.

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