Popped-out Tool Bar modules / panels do not maintain size or location after restarting a flight

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Example: 50. Fixed long approach names / GTC Select Approach page.
Release Note Line Item # and Description: 7. Glass cockpit externalization has been reworked

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I tried this with PFD and MFD on separate G1000 screens. After starting a new flight, i had to pop out the windows manually again! The Position was restored, more or less in windowed mode to the position that was saved ending the last flight, but without restoring to full screen !
Restoring to full screen should only happen, when the user has decided to put the window into full screen, otherwise it should be restored to windowed mode.

This is only 30% of the functionality that a home cockpit user with hardware screens needs.
Please pop out automatically and restore to full screen.

Please restore any window on a per plane base.

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Not quite the correct request here IMHO. It should only fullscreen if that was the last state they were used in, and not be the default behaviour for everyone.

This is needed if you’re using RSG or other hardware G1000 bezels, but would be disastrous for anyone needing the screens in windowed mode as in an Air Manager cockpit using software G1000 bezels.

So that’s the correct request - it needs to remember size, position, and fullscreen / windowed states between sessions.


Exactly. I made this same point on another similar thread to the same user. Just because one user wants it fullscreen doesn’t mean we all do. Just remember how it was setup previously and everyone will be happy.


That is exactly what i meant. Thank you for clarifying this point.

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I just wanted to stress that so what you posted isn’t the feedback sent back to the programmers and then having it break this feature while trying to accomodate a request for one subset of users.

What you asked for is absolutely required for this…

But would be an utter disaster for this…

Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 9.07.37 AM

I would recommend re-working your original post to that effect. I’d hate for that post to be used as the benchmark as-is for how they change the popout placement functionality.

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Second the sentiment of the OP

If no or partial, please give details below on your findings:

Feature works as described, but lacks the ability to save the fullscreen / windowed state. This is important for users using external hardware such as RealSimGear G1000, GNS etc panels where externalized windows are used in fullscreen mode. Externalized windows should remember their size, position, and state.

… and have touch natively enabled!!

Thanks to Stanley’s @RoastGnu brilliant POPM, we can get around this limitation but it should be natively integrated into the sim.


Any progress on this topic ?

It’s marked bug logged, so it is on the fix list. Maybe we’ll see it included Thursday…or not.