
Hey guys -

Curious what the main differences between the Milviz Porter and the Asobo Porter? Upon first glance they seem pretty similar.

Different league man. Don’t even know where to begin but the flight model on MilViz is so much more “alive”. I uninstalled the stock one as soon as I flew the paid one :slight_smile:


FM, engine modelling, beta range, prop animation are better on the Milviz. There is a mod for the MS one that I haven’t tried.


thanks. does the Asobo one allow the doors to open at least? i know they’re notorious for trapping people inside

Don’t think so. Not sure if the mod allows it but don’t think so as well.

I echo that the Milviz is on a whole different level. We’re talking mighty Milviz here, not just anyone (with all due respect to all other developers).

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