Possible to install the launcher on C and the game on D?

What you suggest has been there for at least two years. Only the very basic few MB have to go into Appdata, then you start the sim and it will ask you where to download the game content into (those 270 something GB). I have all the content on a dedicated MSFS SSD and when I reinstalled windows from scratch due to a new mainboard I only had to link it to this installation folder and was done. There is absolutely no reason to install the whole content into appdata.

it is there.
When you install, change the install location box to which drive you want.

After installation, change the location of FS2020 to the drive you want:
Windows, Settings, Apps, Installed Apps, MS FS2020 → Move

This time I install the booth the Launcher and the game on the D Drive. Now it takes about six more seconds to load after the counting on the loading screen. I don’t understand why

You counted that? I mean, 6 seconds is what, maybe 2% of the total load time?

I guess if it’s important to you. Maybe your D: drive is just slower.

6 seconds??? That’s nothing man, why do you care so much

Sorry, about six more seconds than before which was around 11 seconds. No its up to 16-17 from the counter starts
 Not sure why
 Also, I feel I have much worse performance than with Win 10

Did you remove bloatware,check drivers or heck just downgrade your settings just a little
And wait for the loading time

I started with the sim on Win 11, so I hve no comparison.

Do you have Game Mode on in Settings > Gaming > Game Mode?

You should. It’s a simple toggle switch, and you can tweak Win11 application priorities, giving the sim higher priority than background apps.

Also, are you running ‘High Performance Power Plan’?
Or ‘Ultimate Power Plan’? It’s available by default in Win11 Pro, but can be added to any version.

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Yes, Game mode on. HAGS off as well as VRR (didnt like them).
Balanced power plan. From what Ive read theres not big difference (more than that the cpu gets warmer). I know what it should do, but not sure I can see the difference. Same with GPU power settings, its set to default. The Ultimate plan is not for my 5600X I guess.

But Im more comparing w10 vs w11. But I might have found what caused the problem; not sure though. Could have been GF Expreience. It probably was. Even with shadowplay off.