Post Count Delay?

Is their a delay in updating reply counts? I’m trying to get to Trust Level 2, and prior to tonight the only thing I was missing was 8 or more replies. I should have 10 now but for some reason my profile counter is not recognizing any of my replies in the last 45 minutes.
I should have 10, but it still thinks I only have 6.

Edit: It finally updated an hour after this post and shows 10 replies (is that normal?), however I still show as a basic member. Does that have a delay?

@moderators I am still showing as a basic (TL1) member. Is there a delay for how often it checks profiles against the trust requirements?

If there is not a delay (or the delay should have passed by now), is there a place I can see what the forum software thinks I am missing? As far as I can tell from the trust level thread and my profile summary, I meet all the requirements.

Edit: TL2 finally posted to my account, almost 24 hours later. Is this normal?

Hi @PastaandBread,
I do show you at Trust Level 2 (TL2). I don’t think there is a delay on it, however, you may have to refresh the page in the browser.

Also, as a heads up, writing @moderators in a post, doesn’t ping the team. It is best send a private message to @moderators. This is true with other @mentions to control spam.

Hope this helps!

Thank you, that’s good to know about mentions. It wasn’t a refresh issue though, because the TL2 badge showed on my account as “Granted 3M ago” when I edited my above post.

If there isn’t meant to be a delay, then something is not working correctly.

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Interesting. I’m going to keep this topic open for others to chime in if they also experience it.

Thanks for posting!

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