Post Your 4K Screenshots Here

I thought I’d create a ‘random screenshot megathread gallery’ exclusively for those using the sim in all its 4K glory. Yes, I know 4K is only typically achievable by those at the upper CPU/GPU echelon of the sim rigs universe and some say 1440p is the sweetspot, but for the sake of a gallery, I thought it would be pretty cool.

Here’s a few (am I allowed to even do this…?)…



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Question on posting 4K screenshots. I do not have a 4K monitor however I have a 2080ti. I’ve always been confused about getting 4K out of this sim. What do I do in the settings to have it render in 4K so I can post a screenshot? I have everything to ULTRA and 120 on the scenery slider.

resolution has to be as close to 3840 as possible. You will have to check your monitor’s max resolution.

I don’t think you’ll be able to achieve a 4K screenshot without a 4K monitor I’m afraid.

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Amazing shots!

Amazing looking shots crisp and clear :slight_smile:

If you are on a 1080p monitor you got to have rendering scale set to 200 for 4k.Still not as crisp as native 4k but close.

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And to think that 8K is around the corner. Noticed how cheap the big 4K TV’s had gotten last time I was out.

Maximum game height.

I then descended and landed in the Thames!


Haha wow! This makes you wonder why Frontier can’t get atmospheric planetary landings right in Elite Dangerous :slight_smile:


Where is the first picture ? I think you should try the tree-size mod. (to make trees look a smaller, normal size). I have the mod and would like to compare to your photo above.

Also, what render scale do you use ? The Liberty Statue pic looks gorgeous!

First picture is Devil’s Tower, WY. I use render scale of 160. I actually thought the trees looked OK. If anything, some of the tree density needs adjustment.

Removed for now

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