Powering up and testing the touch screen. All is good.
I have 3 sims. this is my dual sim using 2 Brunner pedals and yoke using the can to synch.
PFC throttles and realsimgear g1000. Plus 3rd monitor using airmanager. Running an AMD 5900x
and RTX 3090. 64 gigs of 3200 ram I have a youtube link Calsimmer with flights
Monitor size?
monitor size?
Not a monitor. 65” 4K tv.
Do you use Brunner yoke? How is it? Which one? Its it worth the nearly 2k?
How did you make the labels? 3D printed white? Or black, but then painted white?
Some were printed white, painted, then sand off the tops of the letters. A few were printed black then the letters painted.
What monitor is the one being used for the pedestal. It looks rather long but perhaps that’s the camera angle.
It’s a 22 inch, same as the front 2. The overhead is a 24 inch.
Thanks. It’s the viewing angle that’s making it look weird then. Really nice setup.
All in a room 1.5 x 2.3 meters so its hard to get the angle right… Thanks.
Nicely done…congrats!!!
Just beautiful, congratulations for your setup. What’s your PC configuration?
A 5950x, 3090, 32gb ram. 3 4k off the 3090 and a usb3 to quad hdmi adaptor for the touch screens.
may i ask, what framerate you can achieve with 3x4K ?
Sitting at Gatwick with just the 4k’s running and without the touchscreens around 25/30 fps. up in the air 35/38. Depends on the optimisation of the airplane.
I am thinking of putting two additional touchscreens above the existing two and removing the main 55" TV. Has anyone tried this? This would make the entire cockpit tappable. I would make the lower left the main screen, the top two I would tilt the camera up (which isn’t technically accurate but could be OK?) and the right screens to the right. Might be pretty goofy until they get full support in.
Been having a blast in the CRJ flying for the VA and moving up the ranks.
Next up is going to be the Fenix A320 and I have been slowly getting the cockpit ready for that. Today the last piece arrived, 22" Planar touch panel for the overhead.
Still need to figure out how exactly I am going to mount it overhead, but for now it’s on an arm.