- Post Your Cockpit Pictures Here -

Thanks, do you need construction drawings, electronical scheme, mobiflight config files or any technical info?


I studied electronics and spent a career writing engineering software. So any of the above would be useful.

The Mobiflight config is a good starting point, I can figure out the connections. A construction drawing would help. I’d want to add 6 gear LEDs and a parking brake LED if there are spare pins.

Did you print the buttons? I have a 3D printer, although regular buttons maybe ok. Perhaps a panel can be printed.


If you wish, we can move to Discord. I’m notfanap


  • 9800x3D
  • RTX 4080
  • 64GB DDR5 G.Skill Trident Neo 6000Mhz CL30
  • 3 x 27” 1440p 155Hz monitors & 1 x 24” 1080p


  • Simucube 2 Pro
  • GSI Formula Pro Elite Wheel
  • VRS Direct Force Pro pedals
  • TREQ One simrig


  • VKB NXT EVO Premium
  • STECS Mini Plus


  • Stream Deck MK2
  • Stream Deck XL
  • Logitech Brio 4K

Very nicely done setup and I am sure it is FUN to fly. Congrats!

Do you use the sim for podcast? I noticed the microphone and boom arm which are not standard equipment in most FS setups.

It’s for streaming on Twitch and for voice chat on Discord and in-game in iRacing.

This is mine, finally with FCU WinWing completed with EFIS.
Now I’m waiting for a good mini-Overhead plus a MCDU unit.

On left monitor FSHUD ATC+AI Traffic running, on right monitor Navigraph Charts and LRM (Landing Rate Monitor)
SAITEK & Stream Deck devices managed by SpadNext
Winwing FCU managed by Mobiflight
Rudder & Pedals, an old Ch Products device Game Port modified by me to USB device.


Very nice. I assume your reply is to the legends I put on my Bravo for the switches? I used PowerPoint to create the labels, printed on card stock, used a laminate pouch and used double sided tape to attach. There are two A/C on the label, the DA62 and Citation Mustang.

Your legends look great!


Since I don’t have a Boeing MCP, may I assume you are talking about the G1000 suite on the instrument panel. Let me describe the setup and if I don’t answer your question, please refine.

I run MSFS on two PCs. One is the main flight server, and the other is a client. They are connected by WidevieW. All controls (Alpha, Bravo, Rudder, Headphones) are connected to the server. The server runs three monitors and a fire tablet all on the first row of monitors. On the extreme left is the main monitor for the server. To the right is a Fire tablet used for backup instruments and the ATC screen. Connected to the server via USB and Space Desk. the right two monitors are the G1000 screens (PFD and MFD) driven by RealSimGear and displaying the screens via Popup Window Manager. The Alpha and Bravo are connected with SPAD.neXt. The device between the Alpha and Bravio is a StreamDeck MK.2, also connected via SPAD.neXt.

The upper 3 monitors are connected to the client to display the aircraft outside view over the glare shield. The MSFS main window is stretched over the 3 monitors. They are 32" TVs.

The extra buttons (StreamDeck and a Sayo 12 button keypad) and used to allow flying without a keyboard.

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I guess the OP rather asked to @CptEvillian on about the custom made device on top of the Boeing MCP …

From @CptEvillian picture :

Anyway and in any case, interesting to share Cockpit setup and gears and details, this is the purpose here on this thread :+1::wink:

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Not sure if you are replying to me, just now seeing this. I will post some pictures tomorrow of how I mount my Bravo under my desk.

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Please do it, anyone experience in building is great to share !
Just to mention, this one was a bit difficult to track and was rather redirected wrongly to me at first, I guess wrong button click on requesting by the OP initially.
It appears to me it was targeting this OP setup :

@DerAbt4803 This is the Class Echo from https://shakeprint.com/

They also have an app that runs on tablets and phones but i bought this device with a rotary button and it’s touch screen also. It connects to Spad.next software and with profiles you can customize it for different aircraft.

There are a couple of pages on there to control autopilot, Garmin devices like G1000, lights, radio, etc. On Spad there are user created online profiles available for almost any aircraft including Fenix, PMDG, default planes, etc.

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Search Etsy for under desk bravo/alpha mount. Many to choose from

Thanks for reply. Got under desk mount from them for the Honeycomb Bravo but mounting a Fulcrum Yoke under a standard office desk is a bit trickier.


You could attach corner brackets to the two top screws on each side of the box. then just screw the brackets to the bottom of the desk. Use longer screws to account for the width of the bracket though.

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Finally got around to getting pictures of how I mount the Bravo under the desk.

The desk is solid maple 2 inches thick at the edge and of my own construction. I drilled in threaded inserts into the underside of the desk and made up some steel plates that attach to the top of the Bravo using the provided screws. Then I have knobs with ¼-inch bolts that go to the threaded inserts.


Awesome 'pit. Well done! Very much form meets function!

Awesome skills, which I don’t have. Very inventive. Thanks for sharing.

Great idea…thanks for sharing.