Premium deluxe missing content


¿Does anyone know why is that happening? I tried to move for example the package of 787, the sim download again but is not showing the plane, and so the premium deluxe content, wich i bought.

I must say that i installed the sim since day 1, but uninstalled and re installed it today due to some continuosly crashes, and all the content was there before, …
Also, already checked what Microsoft recommended, …the accounts, etc.

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Looks like something has broken on their end. A few people who have already installed the premium content seem to have lost it randomly. Myself included.

Hi, …thanks for replaying. I was reading that, yes… anyway, …long breath… It was a risk, but having crashes did not work for me,…i suspected that a reinstall could bring troubles.

Yes, there are two other recent threads about it. I had premium deluxe content working just fine – until today.

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Premium miss here as well…but I see it in the content manager

Please, everybody who is affected newly should also create a detailed Zendesk ticket.

Same issue here! Send a ticket yet!

Also made a ticket now… super annoying issue…

Not a great situation, I bought the Deluxe package the game has installed the content but it isn’t available to play/use.
This should be treated as a matter of upmost importance, paying for something and not receiving it is not good business.

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Same here. Purchased Deluxe version through Windows Store. I purchased ORBX Orcas Island Airport through marketplace (in-game). Content not available. Shows purchased and “up-to-date” in content manager, but it does not show that it is occupying space. I do not believe the content is being downloaded, but I have not searched my folders to verify. I have done all the suggested fixes and opened a Zendesk ticket. Bummed.

On the plus side, the game downloaded in 2 hours and runs beautifully. Bugs will get worked out eventually, just want my DELUXE goodies NOW!~ lol

Its theft.

Same issue.

I had to reset the game today, it would not launch. Stuck on “Checking for updates”.

I reset it, reinstalled and now the premium deluxe content is missing.

In the marketplace in game I can see I own all the bundles and in the content manager I can see “Core content”, “Relaunch the game to update”.

Relaunched a few times and it does not update the content.

Ticket logged.

I send i ticket early and until now, nothing. Realy don´t understand!

I’m in the same boat. I logged a Zendesk ticket. Come on Asobo/MS, this is not acceptable, we paid good money for the extra content…a hot fix is needed. Frankly it scares me a bit that content can disappear.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for letting us know. The issue should be fixed. Please logout and login to see the content again.

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Yep the content is back on my sim. Thank you.

Yes, it’s working again now.

I’m missing some airports and aircraft from the Premium Deluxe version. Bascially I’m missing most of the deluxe content.

I did a reinstall and the whole login, logout thing still missing the deluxe content. Don’t understand how I have the Premium content and not the deluxe.

Just missed my Deluxe content today.
What’s going on?