Premium deluxe upgrade with gamepass

Im playing mfs2020 with gamepass. If I buy premium deluxe upgrade in ingame market,
Will I be able to play when my gamepass ends?

No ofcourse not. You need to buy the basic version to use the upgrades.

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I think the answer is nope.
I saw a few posts with similar topic before.

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Gamepass ultimate is worth paying for though in my opinion. Alot of great games come through and it gives you xbox and pc versions. If you currently have a gold membership they give you 1 to 1 the months remaining on it when you convert. Mine ended up no payments till April 2021 and I only had to pay 79.99 (I had points from Microsoft for a discount) for premium deluxe upgrade since the base is included.

Plus was I finally found a use for the points I had built up over the years.

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Any evidence / proof ?

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Posted Wednesday at 07:23 PM

On 8/26/2020 at 6:53 PM, wthomas33065 said:

There’s even conflicting answers on Microsoft’s own board. Though I’m inclinded to believe the MVP/Xbox Embassador/Volunteer Moderator.


But if I do ever cancel game pass (I use it primarily for my xbox one.), and they try to tell me to rebuy the game, I’ll simply point them to this statement from the storefront I purchased from.

"The Premium Deluxe Edition includes everything from Microsoft Flight Simulator plus 10 additional highly accurate planes with unique flight models and 10 additional handcrafted international airports.

Here’s the rub, however.

If I buy the stand alone version, I can install that on another computer because I have a link to it being owned in the store. While I don’t think the game pass version would ever “expire” if you purchased the upgrade and left gamepass, I do believe that you would either have to re-sign up for game pass to download again on a new machine or purchase the standard edition.

Your Microsoft userid owns the full game if you buy the discounted Premium Deluxe edition in the game market place. Your Microsoft userid can have Game Pass sunscription attached to it or not but your userid will still own the full Premium Deluxe Edition.That userid can play the game on whatever machine it is logged into. It can also play it on XBOX Series X as the game has Cross Platform Support.


This above quote is from another forum on the subject .

In game store description : "The Premium Deluxe Edition includes everything from Microsoft Flight Simulator plus 10 additional highly accurate planes with unique flight models and 10 additional handcrafted international airports " .

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Proof of what? Go to xbox site and choose gamepass ultimate and it will state that xbox live months remaining will be credited upon conversion. As far as premium deluxe i flew the 787 from Denver last night. I’m not concerned with anything else as I plan to keep xbox gamepass ultimate as it is worth it to me.

Not sure what you want me to prove nor why I need to, it is all in gamepass terms and conditions. DLC does not include the base game. I upgraded without having to purchase the base because I had it on gamepass. I simply upgraded from the marketplace.

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You dont own the game, but get a temporary license on gamepass. DLC works on gamepass but you have to buy the game ones your gamepass subscribtion stops. Nobody would buy a game anymore if you could just buy the DLC and own the base game for “free”. However, it will be on gamepass for a long time so if you plan to have gamepass for years you could ofcourse do that.

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