A big frustration for me is I’m learning with the sim, so I’m never sure if I’m stupid or the game is stupid. I think this is the right spot for this. Please let me know if I’m missing something or there’s a workaround.
Doing an approach at GRR for ILS 26L via VIO.
It’s got me doing a weird double back between two waypoints. I believe the proper approach is to go to VIO, then to KNOBS, then out to CFBZJ, and circle back to KNOBS. Instead, the flight computer sends me to KNOBS, then to a USR waypoint, then back to KNOBS, then turn again for a loop out to CFBZJ, then finally back to KNOBS again. Even though CFBJZ appears to be a USR waypoint. I can handle the USR waypoints to make this a more elegant planned path, but the double back to KNOBS annoys the ■■■■ out of me. Perhaps this is a piece of cake in an F22, but the circling on these two turns makes me consider driving instead.
This happens when setting the approach in the GPS. It also happens when planning in Navigraph. Trying to remove waypoints is a real adventure. I’ve not been able to guess the right waypoint to remove to get it right and it seems 50/50 it freezes the sim.
Some pics using Navigraph to illustrate the sim is doing…
The Navigraph chart for reference
Here’s the approach planned in Navigraph.
Load the plan into MSFS. So far so good!
Oh, boy this looks like it’s gonna work!
Hopefully, it’s clear what I’m talking about. VIO is coming up from the south, it hits KNOBS (GR), goes to the first USR to the east, then back to KNOBS, then north-east for a loop to CFBZJ. I would be happy I could figure out just to go from KNOBS to the north-east loop to CFBZJ.
I also noticed the same with KLEX. It has a similar backtrack approach, which seems to be confusing the hell out of the GPS computer.
MSFS and Navigraph 2013 rev.7. TBM 930.