I mainly fly VFR (C172 with G1000 and Bonanza G36) and have subscribed to Navigraph Charts 8, which I like very much.
Before subscribing to Navigraph, I used Little NavMap, and liked to print out/save as .pdf the “Flight Plan” (some may call this the NavLog?).
As there does not seem to be a way to do similar in Navigraph, I think my only option is to do the flight plan in Simbrief, print off the pages I want, and then import the flight plan from Simbrief to Navigraph Charts 8.
Am I missing something, or can anyone confirm my reasoning is correct?
As an aside, if we ignore my wish for a printable flight plan, and bearing in mind I fly almost exclusively VFR at the moment, are there any advantages to doing the flight plan originally in Simbrief, rather than in Nav Charts 8?
Thanks in advance, Alasdair (aka Flybasher…)
Thanks for the response.
I will look at GTFP, but initially want to make sure I can’t get what I want (printable version of flight plan) from Navigraph Charts, as this is what I am currently using.
Regards, A
You can also copy your route (as text) from Navigraph to Skyvector and let Skyvector generates nice navlog in PDF.
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Great info - this may well be what I am looking for - thank you so much.
I will go away and “have a play around” with Skyvector.
Kind regards, A