Problem after downloading with FBW A320 Stable

After downloading from XBox, it gets caught, as I show in the photo.


Experiencing the same… this is very frustrating… one issue after another

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roll back to a stable version and start from new Asobo

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Just out of interest, is that a flight using the FBW A320 that you are attempting to start? If so then the current stable version of FBW is not compatible and it would be necessary to use either the latest dev or experimental version until they release an update.


I am using the last dev version. Will remove it and download it again.

Also the experimental loads, I have just loaded into LSZH and EGLL without issues.

My sim will not update. I did get the mandatory update message. Went to xBox and it showed there was an update.

I clicked it and it opened the sim, but no update was performed. I am still on

I have gone to the store and to xbox, and the just give me the play option. Clicking it just starts the sim without updating.

Not sure what I can do at this point to force the update. I really don’t want to uninstall and re-install the whole thing.

I’m on a metered connection and I would go over my limit and have to pay more.

I wish Comcast would give a bigger monthly allotment or offer a small upgrade. The only thing they offer is unlimited and I seldom go over my 1.2TB allowance.

Most of my bandwidth is taken up by my security cameras uploading the the cloud.

Restart PC and update via microsoft store app.

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I have the problem with A320 FBW not with other aircrafts like DA 60, TBM 930.

Thanks, that did the trick. Downloading now!

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Uninstall FBW and try experimental version.

Yup, the FBW stable build is causing issues, the sim just gets stuck on the intro screen after setting up the flight.

Weirdly enough I initially tried the Updated Sim out with all of my mods still installed (yes, I know, but I’m an adult… :smiley:) and did a quick hop flying the latest WT CJ4 from Genoa (with a mod freeware airport) to Nice, Aerosoft simple traffic running and live weather/online AI traffic and the whole thing was perfect :sunglasses:
Time to play with the Dev version of the A32NX methinks

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Have the same problem! :frowning: PC Microsoft-Store-Version

Not sure why the game prompt me for same install twice and now my community folder disappeared and I need to reinstall everything. I was up and running and not sure why the game ask for another update as I was thinking it was a small update of some sort other than

I left the beta this morning already too.

Installed A230 FBW new - same problems - CTD
So - look plz for a solution - this is NOT a driver issue

As you confirmed this was a known issue with the FBW A320 I moved the post to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft and marked the solution.

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Hi. The Dev version works fine. If you want to run the stable version the solution is to modify the panel.config file as shown in the picture.

Same here :man_facepalming:t2:
AIG, FBW development version and navigraph plus mods but luckily all installed fine ,
After upload had a nice simbrief flight from EGSS to EDDH no problems thankfully

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