Problem with IFR flight plan - Boeing Dreamliner

Hi all,

So I’m having a problem with the IFR flight plans I make in the world map. I set it all up correctly, however this doesn’t seem to translate when loading into the flight. This happens with the Dreamliner specifically.

I’ll set up the craft as per usual and take off as directed. It will follow the IFR until it comes to the second leg of the journey where there will be a massive gap (no line to follow) between waypoints and it will stop following the FP and I cannot seem to fix or bridge the gap.

I’ve tried this on several short flights and results in the same. Is this a known problem? Or am I doing something wrong with the Dreamliner? This doesn’t happen when flying other airliner jets.

Any help would be appreciated.

Share a picture of your flight plan legs in the FMC. Sounds like you have a flight plan discontinuity, which can be normal depending on the departure you selected.

Here you go. Not sure what’s happening. For the arrival I selected both options for the FP as automatic.

Between which two points is there a gap in your flight plan on the navigation display?

I don’t see a runway or arrival either. So it looks like you don’t have a complete flight plan.

Try following the 787 tutorial document that was released with AAU2 and it will walk you through the process.


Between ROXAT and SUGOL.

Will have a look for the guide now and see if I can get it sorted.

SUGOL isn’t in your FMS flight plan, so something is messed up there. What does your ND show? (Not the VFR map).

I believe ive sorted it now, thanks for your help!

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