Problèmes joystick

Bonjour à tous
Reprenant la simulation après quelques années, vive la retraite, je suis déçu de FS2020, mon vieux side winder fonctionne sur FS9, FSX, P3D mais sur FS2020 il ne fonctionne qu’en vol formation!!! Et puis c’est une usine à gaz au niveau des vues (caméra) et ceci gâche beaucoup le plaisir de superbes décors!
Si l’un d’entre vous a une solution pour mon vieux joy je suis preneur. Je ne refuse pas l’achat d’un plus moderne mais j’aimerais arriver à mes fins.
Merci et bons vols à tous

According to the Code of Conduct, English is the official language in the forums. The one exception is allowing members to use their native language in the #multiplayer category.

Please take this into consideration as you continue to participate in the forums. Thank you.

As for your problem: Your sidewinder works fine with MSFS, but you may go into config and set the input settings to your liking.

Hi @TantalicData801, welcome on board !
Just to confirm that I tried to use a Force Feedback 2 joystick with success on one of my computers.
I just had to configure mapping correctly and voilà.
What do you mean by " il ne fonctionne qu’en Vol formation" ?

Bonjour Marc
Merci de m’avoir répondu, j’ai affecté les axes et touches selon mes souhaits et le manche ne fonctionne que lorsque je sélectionne un vol de formation et dans aucun des autres vols.
Je sais cela parait absurde!!!

Ok I’ll try another time with my FF2 to see how it’s been configured…
I think it was all default parameters.
Try to translate in english before posting otherwise you’ll be banned.

This is a second request to follow the code of conduct and use English. We know that this is not the first language for many of our members but it is the forum language. There are a number of translators on the internet which can translate into English. While these are not perfect they help us to help you

Thanks for your understanding

SVP translate with Google (traduisez avec google)

I am sorry, le français est ma langue maternelle, je ne vois pas pourquoi je traduirais ADIEU et je n’ai pas besoin d’intolérants il y en a déja trop.

This is the third reminder to use the language of the forum, English. This thread is now closed.

For those unfamiliar with the forum code of conduct, look here. Code of Conduct - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


This forum is only able to support the English language at this time. However, if you are in the Multiplayer section looking for groups or friends to fly with, this is the one exception where other languages are acceptable. Just note we cannot process any official requests or flags that are in another language other than English.

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