Problems with AI planes and their liveries?

Well, what can I say?!?! I tried many ways, many times, many everything to try to figure out why the AI airplanes all have that weird livery (in different colours) at any airport (see attached pictures). After few weeks of searches, I decided to uninstall MSFS2020, delete all traces of it on my computer and install a brand new fresh version ( with an empty Community folder, no addons, no extra sotware, just the plain ol’ FS2020. Even after installing a clean version of MSFS2020 (a second time as the first one was corrupted due to a computer crash during the install), I started in Ottawa (CYOW) with a plain aircraft from Asobo (B787-10) and the dAM_N AI airplanes still had that weird livery!!!

I meticulously look at all based aircraft in "the fleet’, changed the livery of ALL of them, one by one, to figure out what was the name of the livery and NONE of them had that livery! I noticed the A310-300 from MS installed itself during my clean install and, as it is NOT a default airplane from the Premium Deluxe edition, I deleted it to see if this was the airplaine injecting this weird livery. Unfortunately, deleting the airplane did not solve my issue. Once I confirmed the issue was not caused by any addons (as the Community folder was empty), I re-installed the FBW A320Neo and my CYOW airport scenery and tried again… You know the end result…

So you’d say:“what’s his problem with the AI livery??? FS2020 works well at least!”. Well, prior to what ever version (I cannot say with certainty when this changed), I was able to see real life airplanes parked at the gates. If you downloaded custom liveries in your Community folder, the AI airplanes were using them! When I was starting a new flight, I had FedEx, Air Transat, Delta, Lufthansa, Air Canada, American Airlines (and more) aircraft parked at the gates… Now, this is the only livery I see!!!

Is there something I’m missing? Did I check an option somewhere that is causing all of this? Did I miss an important NOTAM stating this weird livery is now the livery for all AI aircraft???

I have to admit that I’m at loss right now!

Thans everyone for your feedback.

The only confusion i have is seeing lots of generic liveries when that option is marked as off in the settings. Multiplayer is off, AI traffic is on and a pretty fair majority are generic white aircraft. Like the liveries are missing or something. I think the one you are seeing might be related to static parked AC. I think theres a slider for static AC in settings. Try moving it to zero and see if you are still seeing it maybe.

Thanks for the tip @KaelaNikNak! I will definitely try that to see if it has any effect on my issue.

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Well… I gave up and installed a third party software to resolve my issue. I know at some point the generic aircraft used to use the liveries I had in my Community folder but for some reason now, it does not work anymore… So I installed the Fly By Wire FSLTL software and I can now enjoy different aircraft in my departure airport and my arrival airport… This is MUCH better than these generic liveries I was seeing all over the place!

I guess we can close this topic for now!

Thanks everyone for the help!