In the last 24 hours, I have been running into problems with Simbrief when creating a new flight. Every time I generate a flight after populating the key data, the resulting flight plan shows shows the airline as a combination of the airline code and the flight number (e.g. UPS555 as opposed to just UPS) or if I do not populate the flight number, the airline code plus 0000. This error stalls the process of exporting the flight plan to my aircraft. For example, in the EFB in the new A300 from IniBuilds, I get the error message “Aircraft Flightplan ICAO incorrest.” Has anyone else encountered this problem? And is there a solution?
That’s how it’s always been (as far as I can recall).
Even in there tutorial / help sections it is displayed this way.
I have been corresponding with Navigraph on the Simbrief issue, but have nothing definitive from them. However, I think that you are right, which means that the problem has to be with the way the IniBuilds system is reading the Simbrief input.
I have exactly the same problem and have yet to find a solution I have tried changing the ICAO code in various locations but to no avail.