Profile reset today (2023 February 10)

Why did I launch the game today only to find my profile at zero hours? I just passed 1k hours…and now I’m at 0. Annoyed doesn’t cover this sim experience anymore.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet as of January 29th, 2023.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet as of Today.


I’ve just had the same issue. Does it also ask you to try and install an update?

Thank you,
We are also seeing many reports on discord as well. We’ve notified the team.

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I launched the game and walked away, came back and it was on the accessibility screen, from there it acted like a fresh install. Now I’m out over 1k hours


Now restore my flight hours.

I don’t work for Micosoft for Asobo. I’m an end user like you. If I could do it, I would.


Ahhhhhhh, ummmmm, bruh.

Same happened to me, an update came with the start of MSFS and then my profile and configuration was reseted.

Have opened a Zendesk Ticket for investigation.

Yup same happened to me. Lost all my control assignments, everything.
Now I can’t even get past the Insert Game Disk.

What an absolute shambles.


Same Problem, I cannot launch the sim at all, since I am bounced between Setting options → additional packages are needed → setting options again → empty screen

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welcome to the club. All settings are set to default… additional packages are needed and after that empty screen…

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Same for me! I loose everything all settings… Unable to play the game anymore!

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Same. Everything is gone. All of my settings, my control setup, my flight hours, my logs, 2 years, everything. And do not even try to set up anything, it gets wiped again after a restart (which the sim by the way says is necessary to update some packages… )

I will now quit this sim and wait for a fix.

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same here. Everything gone!

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Same. Accessibility screen like a fresh install. I just renamed my Community folder so it wouldn’t erase everything there. I’m staying out until they get it fixed.

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Can’t even get into the sim with the Xbox series X , I don’t even want to try to attempt to start my pc up after reading this and now some kind of network or service outage message appears and I hope it’s just that ! I swear, almost everytime I fire this sim up , something goes bezerk , either the servers, or the weather, or a CTD. Never fails .

There is your answer, folks.


I have the same! All settings and control assignments gone. What is that?

Me Too, it’s all gone, ■■■?

Maybe they figured out the azure related weather issue and most likely the cache was cleared from the servers and then it was all gone. I can only see this possibility.