I love this scenery. It’s one of the best freeware sceneries you can get for MSFS.
Are you still working on it?
Not sure if it’s an update for the sim that has made everything float. Seems like the terrain is lower than it used to be
It is really great. But I think I read in the page that he’s no longer going to be working on it
What a shame… I hope someone can pick it up and improve on it if that would be okay for the developer
Good day all, I am planning to redo everything in the Bahamas as there were so many updates, but this will take some time… so yes I am still here, it will be done but I cannot give a deadline as I also have responsibilities that needs attention, I have been playing around with bushstrips… so might add a few aswell.
Happy flying all.
Hi!! Thank you so much for posting this fantastic news! It’s made my week quite honestly haha.
I really love the details you’ve packed into those places. It’s so cute. Looking forward to what you come up with next!! You’re a great scenery designer that’s for sure. Best of luck
That’s such good news! Glad to hear this
Will be patiently waiting for more to come.
Happy flying guys!
Good day all, so I slowly started with the bahamas scenery, first airport I will be working on is Cape Eleuthera (MYZ2),purely because of the amazing waterbody after you take off,it will be fictional like the previous one and the rest will also be fictional, but it will bring some life to that area, so yes, I have started… I will post updates and maybe teasers here, but do keep an eye out on flightsim.to…
Again, thank you for your support and patience, I really do appreciate it and gives me some fuel to keep going…
Good day all
Project Life: Bahamas Reboot is released with Cape Eleuthera (MYZ2), please read carefully, feedback is welcomed, happy flying!
Tried this today - yeah looking good mate!
Can I ask, what exactly was “wrong” with your v1 project? I mean, I unticked it all (Addons Linker) to install this one for now, but can we run them together (obviously excluding any airport that you are replacing in v2!)? They all still looked great to me!
Also, I grabbed all the dependencies (had most already) but in my folder from your v1, I have this set.
Are you no longer using those in v2 going forwards?
(don’t know why Deadman’s Cay is empty there!!)
So the main problem with the previous scenery is that I lost the main files for the scenery… and at that time I was still in the learning curve of how to do things, so in short its very unorganised, also a lot of people complained about the amount of dependanccies and the fact the some models used were only from the premium Deluxe version of MSFS 2020… so i decided to just redo everything from scratch.
But to answer you question… you should be able to use the previous scenery with the new one…BUT, for obvious reasons… you wont be able to use airports with the same name… so…at your own discretion… you can mix the preious version with this current version but I cant guarantee it will work 100%