All credit to @Mendigo1151 for this find. If you’re using Oculus Link + Quest, and the Oculus openXR runtime, and have awful microstutters you can’t get rid of, do this:
Close MSFS. Open up your Nvidia driver settings. Under ‘Manage 3D settings,’ click the ‘Program Settings’ tab. Find ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’ in the drop down list. Go to Vertical Sync, and set it to ‘Fast.’ Make sure to click Apply in the lower right-hand corner of the screen too.
On my system this has eliminated all of the microstutters I couldn’t get rid of even with lowest graphics settings, and has made ASW work properly with a solid, stable framerate. I’ve tested this with drivers 442.74 to 460.89 and it’s the same with all of them. Let’s buy @Mendigo1151 a cup of good coffee!
EDIT: I made a video showing this effect in X-Plane very clearly. On my system, MSFS is doing the exact same thing. You won’t be able to see it, though, if your computer is already struggling to run MSFS at a stable framerate even without this bug (from detail settings too high, or a pc spec that just isn’t enough):
This won’t overcome lack of performance. You’ll still have to be careful in what you dial your graphics settings to. What this does fix is a bugged frame-sync issue with Oculus Link/Oculus Quest, which makes it microstuttery with an unstable framerate no matter what your graphics settings are.
@Mendigo1151@SwirlyMaple7. Thanks to both of you for your help and investigating on this issue. The V-Sync option did the trick for me. I have been flying for a year now with this issue in other sims. My fix until now was to use SteamVr instead of the native Oculus (which I think was lowering my overall FP, but that was better than the micro stutter alternative). I don’t have X-plane, but this fixed my MSFS and DCS 100%. You guys are awsome!
Guys, I have FS2020 installed through Steam. The app won’t show in the drop-down list under “Program Settings” of the Nvidia driver manager. How can I apply those settings in such case?
Some of these might help you too. Besides, I’ve been documenting these NVidia CPL settings in my older “My 4K Settings” discussion which is also helping a lot in 2D.
You can get your install path from steam, then in the nvidia app, next to the dropdown to select apps … click the add button. You should be able to add your path. But … for me … when i clicked ‘add’ button, another window opened showing alist of apps and the fight sim was in there in for me.
Under the Vsync option in the nvidia panel, i only have “on” and “off”, not “Fast”.
I have a 3070 and last drivers.
Any advice to find this “fast” option ?
I added a youtube video to the original post showing this fix in X-Plane to prove what it’s doing and why you should at least try it. Yes, sorry, it’s not MSFS, but MSFS is doing the same thing. When I get some time I might make another showing it in MSFS specifically.
Important note – if your system is already struggling to run MSFS in VR, regardless of frame timing bugs, then this fix might appear to not do anything, because you have other causes behind judder and frame timing instability. But if you have a high-performing and well-optimized system and still have scenery jerkiness, it’s worth the 5 minutes to give this a try.
Its not working for me. The biggest problem is that it isnt optimized. I Hope they gonna work on it. Vulkan was a blessing for XP11. 3060 Ti, Ryzen 5 3600, 32 Gb Ram.
It is definetely not optimized well for Oculus. Or maybe Oculus OpenXR implementation is just very bugged. Or it can be Nvidia… who knows! This Vsync trick works sometimes… not sure why, to be honest. It may be some relation between your monitor refresh rate and the headset refresh rate… not sure. Best results I got so far were when using 80hz on Oculus.
One thing that I don’t see mentioned enough is the actual render/post process resolutions. Everyone is talking about percentages and multipliers, which varies a lot depend on the systems and are just causing confusion and frustration. You can see those numbers on the MsFs in game FPS overlay, using dev mode.
Get the post process too high (more than 2000x2000 per eye in my case) and ASW will fail and get you sick. In my system I got good results using something like render scale 1300 pixels wide and post ( Render scale at 100%) around 1800 pixels wide.
I also noticed a disconnect between resolution you set on oculus app and in game 100%. To increase resolution, tried several options, I am using CLI.
Also the fps overlay is not giving totally accurate information. It will say limited by main thread no matter what, because ASW is limiting the fps, I believe. Better to use debug tool overlay and tweak settings to keep your headroom on a average -80%.
I am not using VR at this point, game is more enjoyable in 2D with ultra settings. Got an twitching eye after so many hours testing this blurry, out of sync mess. Waiting now for a proper patch. Potential is there for a outstanding VR experience and I believe that better performance will come soon.