PTU Dog Bark annoying from other aircraft - how to silence it? MSFS2024

How do I eliminate the annoying PTU Dog Bark from other aircraft that are nearby. It sounds like I am next to a kennel anytime I am in external view at an airport. Where is the sound file located? Can I delete it?

same problem here

Really annoying. How can we get rid of the dog barking sound?

Same, really want to silence that.

I read somewhere else that the barking sound is caused by the Fenix A 320. Didn’t know that yet.

i dont have the fenix. still happens to me

PTU is integral to Airbus Aircraft , but is not heard in the cockpit (if it is then it is unrealistic) depending what airbus you are flying , you do not here it in the Fenix or the FBWA320 unless you turn it on in the EFB .

However it is obvious in the cabin , I think it is quite sweet actually , its quirky but I have never heard it in the cockpit so its not a problem and I have never heard it from other aircraft parked nearby unless you are outside or are in the cabin…

Are you referring to the wheel contact noise when an aircraft lands. If you are hearing that outside from other planes every few seconds (even though they are parked near you) then I’m guessing that you have installed the FSLTL traffic. That is where the noise is coming from if you have. It’s a known bug.


I am not sure what is PTU. I am flying PC-12 and constant dog barking when I am parked or taxi. I have FSTLS traffic installed but not using it. I am using BeyondATC to control the traffic.

There is a fix/workaround for this on the BeyondATC wiki. It solved this issue for me