Push back steering

I must be missing something. Once “push-back” is started how do you steer the aircraft?

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If you aren’t being presented the ATC options to “steer left” and “steer right”, then you will need to have a third party app installed to let you control direction and speed.

I’m not sure why the turning options are missing from ATC comms, but it seems to happen often.

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Thanks BigCow74. I now see why everyone uses the Pushback Helper. As clunky as it is I can probably get away with the default system. Could we really not have a couple of key bindings to turn left and right? Any way thanks BigCow74 for pointing me in the right direction.

I’ve been using Pushback Helper myself for years now. I wish the turning circle was a bit tighter, but it works OK. I used Toolbar Pushback for a bit, but started having problems with the sim right about the same time that people on flightsim.to were theorizing that it may be contributing to memory issues, so I switched to PH. I’m not sure what ended up happening with TP, but I’m sticking with PH for now.

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I believe the developer stopped updating it and its current incarnation is Payware along with another mod. My memory is sketchy :slight_smile:

Hi there, There is an paid version that’s called GSX Pro that works great, If your interested…
FSDreamTeam - Quality Products for Flight Simulator

If you use an external tool like GSX Pro app, you can just choose which direction you want to face after the pushback and it will automatically push you back and stop at the right place at the right direction.

I am using this :

It’s freeware

Yeah, it’s the one I’ve been using before GSX came along. It’s nice and works for a freeware. But once GSX came along it has so much great feature for a complete ground service overhaul that the free Toolbar pushback pales in comparison. and the GSX is worth every penny.

Any performance hit with GSX?

No, barely any performance hit. At least, none that I noticed. That’s because they only spawn at the gate you’re using and when you use it. Any other times the sim will still use the default ground service vehicles. Once you finish with your pushback and everything, all the ground services de-spawn and no longer using any FPS.

You can see how I use it in my videos. If you see stutters or drop in FPS in the video, it’s because my streaming software didn’t capture the right frames at the right time and that it’s always like that on some situations. Not dropping because of GSX.:

Thanks for posting back. I’m seriously considering it, if only for the pushbacks. Some say the stutters-on-short-final bug is caused by the default groundservices loading, so maybe GSX will fix it.