Quality of Ethernet cable Or Internet speed

Cable won´t improve anything unless you really had a faulty cable.

Photogrametry is downloaded just once when you are several miles away (or during flight loading if you spawn at a photogrametry area) and then it´s cached into memory. Even if you lose connection completely the cached data will be still available for that area util game triggers the offline mode, which will disable all online data including Bing and photogrametry.

Network speed just has an impact on how fast you download the data in advance (before buildings are displayed) but there´s no need to exchange additional live data for the already displayed buildings to keep them displayed. So it doesn´t matter if you got data via WiFi or Ethernet. If the buildings look poor that´s because the original data is poor.


I also forgot to mention that just because you have a 60mb or a 1gb link, does not mean you’ll be able to get downloads at the higher speed of 1gb/sec. Download speeds are controlled by the server, your ISP does limit your traffic to 60mb/sec, but that should be fine as shown below. A faster internet speed will provide more bandwidth for more users. If you’re going to upgrade to a higher speed, 100-200mb would be fine. The most I’ve seen from the FS servers when downloading an update was 212mb/sec for a very short period of time, average for me is around 120mb/sec. But when you’re flying, there’s not that much data being downloaded. Here’s 2 snap shots of a flight from LA to SFO, the top is 0 to 5 minutes into the flight and the bottom one is 15 minutes into the flight. Also, If servers are busy with a lot of active connections, it’ll slow down the amount data for each connection. Another factor is how busy the CPU is on the server and there are other factors will affect how fast it can respond to the users. (And multiply the number of Bytes by 8 to get the number of bits…)



I just started using MSFS2024. I noticed MASSIVE improvement connecting my computer by ethernet cable to my modem, versus getting the data through the air. I could fly around Heathrow in the rain with tonnes of other air traffic maintaining a very steady 40FPS.

I then checked some speed tests with and without the ethernet cable. The ethernet cable gave faster up and downloads but MUCH more consistent speeds across all the tests, i.e. hardly any variation.

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Way to go! Hope my post/explanation helped. :wink: